A team of students and faculty members of Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) are now developing a small satellite called MicroSat with an electric propulsion rocket engine, which is installed with radio equipment. The project called PROITERES, standing for PRoject of OIT Electric-Rocket-Engine Onboard Small Space Ship, aims to demonstrate powered-flight technology for an ultra-small satellite and to monitor the Kansai District with a high-resolution camera. PROITERES also aims to reduce development costs and shorten the development period drastically by miniaturizing the satellite and its component parts.
TLE data is updated by space-track.
1 38756U 12047B 12261.16697553 .00000335 00000-0 59267-4 0 363
2 38756 98.2857 326.8088 0011449 254.6459 105.3500 14.73871962 1170
Reception reports are arrived from several countries! Thank you for your cooperation.
First report is reached from Germany (DK3WN)!
PROITERES is successflly laucnhed at 4:23:00 UTC.
About the communication schedule after a launch
Our call sign is "JL3YZK".
(Initial operation mode: Phase I)
Only the beacon will be transmitted about 10 days after launch.Downlink frequency is 437.485MHz. Radio formats are A1A (beacon) and F2D (telemetry), respectively.
Beacon is composed by satellite (PROITERES) name and conditions of a power supply (hex), as follows.
Means of hex codes are
S1 : sensor No.1
first value : RSSI (received field strength, details unknown - since it cann't be tested)
second value : battery current (00 ~ ff means -10 ~ 10A, current = (20/255)*(value) - 10)
third value : battery voltage (00 ~ ff means 0 ~ 20V, voltage = (20/255)*(value))
fourth value : N/A (00)
S2 : sensor No.2
first value : N/A (00)
second value : N/A (00)
third value : N/A (00)
fourth value : N/A (00)
Conversion equation of battery current and voltage are "maybe" linear (It is not verifing in detail.).
And operation in the case when current or voltage exceeds input range is not clear.
(Initial operation mode: Phase II)
After that, we will be start AFSK/FM transmission to obtain satellite conditions.
Details will be updated after launch.
(Mission mode)
Camera photography and an electric propulsion engine experiment are due to be carried out.
Report of reception our satellite signal
Please contact the following address, if you succeed in reception and if you have any questions.
E-mail: kumamoto@elc.oit.ac.jp
We would like to use frequency bands allocated to the amateur-satellite service for space radio communication for the purpose of self-training, communications and research carried out by authorized persons interested in radio technology without pecuniary interest (Article 3 of the Ordinance for Executing the Radio Law), as defined in the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.
Our project will focus on:
- Experimental verification of two-way radio signal propagation characteristics using amateur radio-frequency bands.
- Communication tests and their feedback aiming at improvement of satellite communication technology by using off-the-shelf consumer goods.
- Tracking and communicating with our satellite by amateur earth stations all over the world.
- Powered-flight by electric rocket engine.
- Monitoring with a high-resolution camera the Kansai District; especially Osaka, around Yodogawa basin.
When operating our satellite, we will ask radio amateurs, related private organizations such as the Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc. (JARL), the Japan Amateur Satellite Association Board (JAMSAT), and specialized magazines for ham radio to participate in our project. We will continually update information about our project on our website.