You need UniyWebPlayer to participate in this experiment.
Experimental Screen
Experimental procedure
This experiment is to record the timing of starting a chat between yourself and another avatar.
Estimated experiment time is 5-10 minutes.
The information you provide will be stored on a secure hard disk and will not be used other than research purpose.
Please read the attention below and click the "I agree and start the experiment" button to continue with the experiment.
The reading of UnityWebPlayer it may take about 5 minutes time. Please dont't click the reload button on your browser during the experiment (when the unity player is running), otherwise, you will need to start the experiment from the beginning. Set the browser size to 100%. Current version of Unity Web Player does not run on Google Chrome. We recommend using other web browsers.
We need substantial number of participants from the same country as yours, and yet participants from other countries as this is a cross-cultural experiment.
Please invite your family members, friends and colleagues to participate in this experiment.
=============== Sample invitation message. Please copy the text and send it to your friends ================
Human Interface lab at the Osaka Institute of Technology is conducting a web experiment "Let's have a
chat." The purpose of the experiment is to compare the timing to start an avatar chat cross-culturally.
The experiment takes 5- 10 minutes. They need substantial number of participants from one country and
your participation is very much appreciated.
"Let's have a chat" experiment.
The experiment URL is
" "
Conducted by Human Interface lab at the Osaka Institute of Technology
Send your questions and comments to (Replace "_at_"to"@".)
Souichirou Kimura(
(Fourth-year undergraduates at the Human Interface Lab., Department of Information Science and Technology at the Osaka Institute Technology.)
Tomoko Koda (
(Prof. at the Human Interface Lab., Department of Information Science and Technology at the Osaka Institute Technology.)