(論文誌名)ホンダテクニカルレビュー,14巻,1号,237頁 ~ 246頁,(2002)
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,34巻,4号,187頁 ~ 193頁,(2003)
3.(題目)Perception Modeling and Quantification of Sound Quality in Cabin
(著者)Kousuke Noumura, Junji Yoshida
(論文誌名)SAE 2003 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems,
Vol.112, No.6, pp.1790-1799 (2004)
4.(題目)Interstimulus interval dependence of the loudness difference limen
obtained by taking into
account the presentation order effect
(著者) Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology,(日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.25, No.5, pp.311-317
(論文誌名)ホンダテクニカルレビュー,18巻,1号, 136頁 ~ 141頁,(2006)
(論文誌名)ホンダテクニカルレビュー,18巻,1号,142頁 ~ 148頁,(2006)
7.(題目)Previous sound effects on loudness in paired comparison experiments
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology, (日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.27, No.3, pp.147-153 (2006)
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,37巻,6号,15頁 ~ 20頁,(2006)
9.(題目)Study of Interior Sound Preferences at Acceleration
(著者)Kousuke Noumura andJunji Yoshida
(論文誌名)Review of Automotive Engineering, Vol.28,No.1,pp.103-109 (2007)
10.(題目)Absolute threshold of hearing decreased by perceiving a previous
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa and Masao Kasuga
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology,(日本音響学会英文誌), Vol.28, No.6, pp.385-391 (2007)
11.(題目)Frequency-dependent changes in absolute hearing threshold caused
by perception
of a previous sound
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa and Masao Kasuga
(論文誌名)The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Express Letters),
Vol.122, No.3,
pp.EL62-EL68 (2007)
12.(題目)Changes in absolute hearing threshold depending on sound pressure
level of a previous sound
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology, (日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.29, No.5, pp.320-325
(著者)吉田 準史,能村 幸介
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編),Vol.77, No.777 pp.1720-1728 (2011)
14. (題目)The effect of the presentation side of the preceding tone sequence on the across-ear temporal order judgments
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Kouhei Ueda and Hiroshi Hasegawa
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology, Acoustical letter(日本音響学会英文誌)
Vol.32, No.5, pp.228-231 (2011)
15. (題目)Influence of impression of vehicle styling on loudness of acceleration
sounds in cabin
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Takumi Igata
(論文誌名)The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Express Letters),
Vol.130, Issue 1,
pp.EL19-EL24 (2011)
16. (題目)統計的指標を用いた実稼働TPA法の精度向上
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,42巻,5号,1029頁 ~ 1034頁,(2011)
17. (題目)Noise reduction method for running TPA using significance probability
(著者)Junji Yoshida andKousuke Noumura
(論文誌名)Journal of System Design and Dynamics Vol.5, No.8 pp. 1572-1581
18. (題目)自動車加速音の主観評価によるラウドネスと車両デザインとの関係について
(著者)吉田準史,鎔 巧
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,43巻,1号,57頁 ~ 62頁,(2012)
19. (題目)Influence of auditory-visual stimuli presentation timing at the onset on the temporal order judgment at the offset
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Kouhei Ueda and Hiroshi Hasegawa
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology, Acoustical letter(日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.33,
No.3, pp.200-203 (2012)
20. (題目)実稼働TPAにおける寄与分離精度評価指標について
(著者)吉田 準史,成田 優也,大西 洋一
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編),Vol.78, No.789 pp.1352-1361 (2012)
21. (題目)Influence of the frequency of sound pressure level on subjective
loudness for a certain
length of noise
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Yuta Chaki
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology,(日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.34, No.1, pp.19-25
22. (題目)自転車のサドル振動低減による乗り心地向上
(著者)吉田 準史, 川越 伸幸, 河村 智博
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編),Vol.78, No.792, pp.2837-2847 (2012)
23. (題目)Consideration and verification of accuracy evaluation indices for
operational TPA
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Yoichi Onishi and Yuya Narita
(論文誌名)Journal of System Design and Dynamics Vol.6, No.5, pp.616-625 (2012)
24. (題目)Dependence of loudness evaluation by drivers on vehicle styling
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Takumi Igata
(論文誌名)The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.132, Issue
6, pp.3866-3873 (2012)
25. (題目)車内音のみを用いた自動車騒音寄与分離手法に関する基礎検討
(著者)吉田 準史, 石原 光
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編
), Vol.79, No.800, pp.943-955 (2013)
26. (題目)実稼働TPAにおける参照点目標検討手法について
(著者)吉田 準史, 山下 大輔
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編)
,Vol.79, No.801, pp.1505-1515 (2013)
27. (題目)Improvement of Bicycle Riding Comfort by Reduction of Seat Vibration
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Nobuyuki Kawagoe and Tomohiro Kawamuraa
(論文誌名)Journal of System Design and Dynamics Vol.7, No.3, pp.293-303 (2013)
28. (題目)Target Level Setting Method for the Reference Signal of Operational
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Daisuke Yamashita
(論文誌名)Journal of System Design and Dynamics Vol.7, No.4, pp.317-327(2013)
29. (題目)Method for the Separation of Vehicle Interior Noise Contributions
Using Only Response
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Hikaru Ishihara
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編)
,Vol.79, No.801 pp.1505-1515 (2013)
30. (題目)軽量性を考慮した刈払機の低振動化-質量増加を伴わない刈払機高周波振動の低減-
(著者)吉田準史, 植村将典, 宮川茂, 大野照仁, 石川大芽
(論文誌名)農業食料工学会誌,Vol.76, No.1 pp.99-106 (2014)
31. (題目)独立成分分析を用いた自動車車内音の寄与分離に関する基礎検討
(著者)吉田 準史, 平野 友寛
(論文誌名)日本機械学会論文集(C 編), Vol.80, No.812 pp.1-14 (2014)
32. (題目)Dependency of subjective loudness on the distribution of the sound
pressure level of
environmental noise
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Yuta Chaki
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology, Technical Report(日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.35,
pp.269-274 (2014)
33. (題目)Influences of vehicle-exterior images on loudness ratings of Japanese
versus German
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Florian Völk, Hugo Fastl and Gerhard Rigoll
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology, Acoustical Letter, Vol.35,
No.6, pp.327-329 (2014)
34. (題目)実稼働TPAにおける伝達関数特性を用いた振動低減手法について
(著者)吉田準史,山下 大輔
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集(資料), 46巻,1号,115頁 ~120頁,(2015)
35. (題目)手腕振動感覚特性を考慮した刈払機振動低減
(著者)吉田準史, 植村将典, 宮川茂, 大野照仁, 石川大芽
(論文誌名)農業食料工学会誌,Vol.77, No.3 pp.210-220 (2015)
36. (題目)自動車外装デザインが音質評価におよぼす影響について
(論文誌名)映像情報メディア学会誌,Vol.69, No.7 pp.J221-J226 (2015)
37. (題目)自動車加速音の音質評価と車両デザインとの関係について
38. (題目)Impression of automatic engine start sound of hybrid vehicle at
idling condition
(著者)unji Yoshida, Toru Ueno, Koki Tanaka
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology,Acoustical Letter(日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.37,No.2,
pp.75-78 (2016)
39. (題目)Contribution analysis of vibration mode utilizing operational TPA
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Koki Tanaka
(論文誌名)Mechanical Engineering Journal Vol.3, No.1 pp.1-15(2016)
(著者)吉田準史,平野 友寛
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,47巻,2号,449頁 ~455頁,(2016)
41. (題目)ハイブリッド車アイドリングストップ中のエンジン自動始動音に対する印象評価
(著者)吉田準史,田中 晃貴,上野 徹
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,47巻,4号,931頁 ~936頁,(2016)
42. (題目)ハイブリッド車のエンジン自動始動音印象に対するインジケータの影響
(著者)吉田準史,田中 晃貴,上野 徹
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,47巻,5号,1129頁 ~1134頁,(2016)
43. (題目)遠心クラッチ質量のアンバランス化による刈払機の振動低減
(著者)吉田準史, 杉田雄一, 宮川茂, 大野照仁, 石川大芽
(論文誌名)農業食料工学会誌,Vol.79, No.1 pp.80-86 (2017)
44. (題目)一対比較法によるドラム式洗濯機脱水時騒音の高級感評価
(著者)吉田準史, 山下励,吉田祥太,細川明宏,藤井友弘
(論文誌名)日本音響学会誌(研究速報),Vol.73, No.6 pp.353-356 (2017)
45. (題目)Combination Analysis of Operational TPA and CAE Technique for Obtaining
High Contributing
Vibration Mode
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Koki Tanaka, Rie Nakamoto, Ken Fukasawa
(論文誌名)SAE Paper ,No.2017-01-1856,pp.1-10(2017)
46. (題目)車内音の寄与分離技術─独立成分分析を利用した車内音のみによる寄与分離手法の基礎検討─
(論文誌名)自動車技術,71巻,7号,67頁 ~73頁,(2017)
47. (題目)Road & wind noise contribution separation using only interior
noise having multiple sound
sources -Accuracy improvement and permutation solution-
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Akinaru Inoue
(論文誌名)Mechanical Engineering Journal Vol.4, No.5 pp.1-10(2017)
48. (題目)ハイブリッド車のエンジン自動始動音・振動が運転者の不快感に及ぼす影響について
(著者)吉田準史, 櫻本睦貴
(論文誌名)日本音響学会誌(研究速報),Vol.74, No.4 pp.194 - 197 (2018)
49. (題目)ドラム式洗濯機の自動脱水モード全体の音質評価特性について
(著者)吉田準史, 吉田祥太,山下励,細川明宏,藤井友弘
(論文誌名)日本音響学会誌(研究速報),Vol.74 , No6. pp.322-325 (2018)
50. (題目)クルーズ走行時の車内音とステアリング振動が乗員の不快感に与える影響について
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集,50巻,1号,122頁 ~127頁,(2019)
51. (題目)Obtaining method of high contributing whole body principal component mode by separated
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Ryo Majima, Junki Isemura
(論文誌名)Mechanical Engineering Letters Vol.4., No. pp.1-10 (2018)
52. (題目)実稼働TPAとCAEとの連携解析によるロードノイズに対する高寄与ボディモード抽出
(著者)吉田準史,林大貴, 間島諒,伊勢村純輝
53. (題目)Development of an Analytical Method for Rear Differential Gear
Whine Noise Utilizing
Principal Component Contribution by OTPA and CAE
(著者)Miho Nakatsuka, Tetsuya Miwa, Junji Yoshida
(論文誌名)SAE Paper ,No.2019-01-1555,pp.1-9(2019)
54. (題目)ロボット掃除機の放射音評価と目標値設定方法の基礎検討
(著者)吉田準史, 八田いぶき,山下励
(論文誌名)日本音響学会誌(技術報告),Vol.75, No.6 pp.330-335 (2019)
55. (題目)正則化法による音質評価モデルの汎化能力向上
(論文誌名)自動車技術会論文集, 50巻,4号,1062頁~1066頁,(2019)
56. (題目)実稼働TPAを利用した時間領域での主成分寄与分析手法について
57. (題目)様々な運転状況での車速コントロールに及ぼすエンジン音の効果
58. (題目)主成分寄与分析を用いた実稼働時の車内音増大要因把握手法について
(著者)吉田準史, 伊勢村純輝,田口大稀
59. (題目)Influence of listening attitude difference on sound quality evaluation
to vacuum
cleaner noise
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Ibuki Hatta
(論文誌名)Acoustical Science & Technology,Technical Report(日本音響学会英文誌)Vol.42,No.1,
pp.46-49 (2021)
60. (題目)車速認知と車内快適性の両立を目的とした車内音・振動に関する検討
(著者)吉田準史, 助川吉行, 吉岡叡二
61. (題目)実稼働TPAで得られる主成分モードと固有モードの近似性評価手法について
1. (題目)Effects of comparison interval and order on subjective evaluation
test of loudness
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名) ITC/CSCC International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,
Computers And Communications, 3巻,1792頁~1795頁,プーケット(タイ),2002年7月
2. (題目)The effects of interstimulus interval and presentation order on
a subjective evaluation
test of loudness
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)ITC/CSCC International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,
Computers And
Communications, 2巻,1129頁~1132頁,フェニックスリゾート(韓国),2003年7月
3. (題目)Auditory reinforcement and fatigue in the central and peripheral
nervous systems
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)International Congress on Acoustics 2巻,1829頁~1832頁,京都(日本),2004年4月
4. (題目)Dependence of the auditory reinforcement on a previous sound SPL
(著者)Shinya Sagawa, Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)ITC/CSCC International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,
Computers And
Communications, 1巻,217頁~218頁,済州島(韓国),2005年7月
5. (題目)Auditory reinforcement at the absolute threshold of hearing and
its SPL dependency
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)Forum Acusticum 201頁~204頁,ブダペスト(ハンガリー),2005年9月
6. (題目)Time dependency of auditory reinforcement
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)WESPAK Ⅸ 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference,1頁~7頁,ソウル(韓国),
7. (題目)Method of Transfer Path Analysis for Vehicle Interior Sound with
No Excitation Experiment
(著者)Kousuke Noumura, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA)
8. (題目)Increased loudness effect at and above absolute threshold of hearing
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)日米音響学会ジョイントミーティング (招待講演),3246頁,ハワイ(米国),2006年12月)
9. (題目)Threshold change by perceiving previous sound in various frequencies
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)The Japan-China Joint Conference of Acoustics JCA 2007 1頁~6頁,仙台(日本),
10. (題目)Absolute threshold of hearing change by perceiving various previous
(著者)Hiroshi Hasegawa, Junji Yoshida, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)International Congress on Acoustics バルセロナ(スペイン),2007年9月
11. (題目)Influence of a flash light on the absolute threshold of hearing
(著者)Masahiro Yonemitsu,Junji Yoshida,Hiroshi Hasegawa,Masao Kasuga
(会議名)IEEE TENCON 2007 台北(台湾),2007年10月
12. (題目)Selection of appropriate terms for a subjective evaluation of video
game contents
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Koji Iwasaki, Eishiro Kunikane, Hiroshi Hasegawa,
Masao Kasuga
(会議名)ITC/CSCC International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,
Computers And
Communications, 山口(日本),2008年7月
13. (題目)Simultaneity perception characteristics in contralateral ear considering attention
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Kouhei Ueda, Hiroshi Hasegawa
(会議名)International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2010 1頁~4頁,オーストラリア(シドニー),
14. (題目)Effect of attention to preceding stimuli on the simultaneity perception
between an auditory
and visual stimulus
(著者)Hiroshi Hasegawa, Junji Yoshida, Masao Kasuga
(会議名)International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2010 1頁~4頁,オーストラリア(シドニー),
15. (題目)Consideration of new environmental noise evaluation index
(著者)Junji Yoshida
(会議名)International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2010 1頁~4頁,オーストラリア(シドニー),
16. (題目)Loudness of vehicle acceleration sound considering exterior design
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Takumi Igata
(会議名)Forum Acusticum 2011 1頁~6頁,Denmark (Aalborg),2011年6月
17. (題目)Influence of light luminance on auditory-visual simultaneity perception
(著者)Hiroshi Hasegawa, Junji Yoshida and Masao Kasuga
(会議名)Forum Acusticum 2011 1頁~6頁,Denmark (Aalborg),2011年6月
18. (題目)Accuracy improvement of running TPA using significance probability
and the verification
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Kousuke Noumura
(会議名)Inter noise 2011 1頁~6頁,Japan (Osaka),2011年9月
19. (題目)Contribution analysis method for vehicle interior noise using independent
component analysis
(著者)Hikaru Ishihara, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong 1頁~6頁,China (Hong Kong), 2012年5月
20. (題目)Influence of SPL distribution on loudness impression for environmental
(著者)Yuta Chaki, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong 1頁~6頁,China (Hong Kong),2012年5月
21. (題目)Interaction between vehicle exterior design and perceived loudness of vehicle acceleration
(著者)Takumi Igata, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong 1頁~6頁,China (Hong Kong),2012年5月
22. (題目)Temporal order judgment characteristics at the offset of auditory-visual
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Kouhei Ueda, Hiroshi Hasegawa
(会議名)Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong 1頁~6頁,China (Hong Kong),2012年5月
23. (題目)Consideration of Accuracy Evaluation Index for Operational Transfer Path Analysis
(著者)Junji Yoshida and Yoichi Onishi
(会議名)Inter noise 2012 1頁~12頁,New York (USA),2012年8月
24. (題目)Reduction of High Frequency Vibration of Brush Cutter by Structure
(著者)Junji Yoshida, M. Uemura, S. Miyakawa, T. Oono, and D. Ishikawai
(会議名)2013 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, 2011頁~2015頁,
London (UK),2013年7月
25. (題目)Improvement of bicycle ride comfort using dynamic vibration absorber
(著者)Tomohiro Kawamura and Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2013 1頁~8頁,Innsbruck (Austria),2013年9月
26. (題目)Target setting method for operational TPA using principal component
(著者)Daisuke Yamashita and Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2013 1頁~8頁,Innsbruck (Austria),2013年9月
27. (題目)Vibration reduction of drum type washing machine using dynamic damper
(著者)Yasuhiro Kawakami and Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2013 1頁~8頁,Innsbruck (Austria),2013年9月
28. (題目)Influences of vehicle exterior design on loudness ratings by German
versus Japanese drivers
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Florian Völk, Hugo Fastl and Gerhard Rigoll
(会議名)DAGA2014 1頁~2頁,Oldenburg (Germany),2014年3月
29. (題目)Vibration reduction of brush cutter considering human response
(著者)Masanori Uemura, Junji Yoshida, Shigeru Miyakawa, Teruhito Oono,
Daiga Ishikawa
(会議名)InterNoise2014 1頁~8頁,Melbourne (Australia),2014年11月
30. (題目)Verification of contribution separation technique for vehicle interior noise using only response
(著者)Tomohiro Hirano, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2014 1頁~8頁,Melbourne (Australia),2014年11月
31. (題目)Influence of low SPL and bird twittering sounds on the loudness
for road traffic noise
(著者)Kazuki Kuwano, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2014 1頁~8頁,Melbourne (Australia),2014年11月
32. (題目)Influences of Vehicle Exterior Images on Sound Quality Ratings: German vs. Japanese
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Florian Völk, Hugo Fastl and Gerhard Rigoll
(会議名)InterNoise2014 1頁~8頁,Melbourne (Australia),2014年11月
33. (題目)Experimental Condition for Operational Transfer Path Analysis
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Akinaru Inoue
(会議名)InterNoise2015 1頁~11頁,San Francisco (USA),2015年8月
34. (題目)Influence of unexpected engine start sound of hybrid vehicle in
cabin -Comparison between
Japanese and German drivers-
(著者)Toru Ueno, Junji Yoshida, Hugo Fastl
(会議名)InterNoise2015 1頁~10頁,San Francisco (USA),2015年8月
35. (題目)Factor analysis of noise for drum type washing machine using operational
(著者)Rei Yamashita, Junji Yoshida, Tomohiro Fujii, Akihiro Hosokawa
(会議名)InterNoise2015 1頁~11頁,San Francisco (USA),2015年8月
36. (題目)Influence of Quiet Duration of Road Traffic Noise on the Annoyance
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Kazuki Kuwano
(会議名)WESPAC 2015 1頁~41頁,Singapore,2015年12月
37. (題目)Influence of Starting Duration of the Uneasiness to Engie Automatic
Start Sond of HEV
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Toru Ueno, Shogo NItta
(会議名)ICSV 23 1頁~8頁,Athens (GREECE),2016年7月
38. (題目)Road and wind noise contribution separation using only interior
noise – Accuracy verification
through a simple experiment-
(著者)Akinaru Inoue, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)ICSV 23 1頁~8頁,Athens (GREECE),2016年7月
39. (題目)Vibration Mode Contribution Analysis for Construction Machines
Utilizing Operational TPA
(著者)Koki Tanaka, Junji Yoshida, Shunsuke Fukuda, Rie Nakamoto, Ken Fukasawa
(会議名)ICSV 23 1頁~8頁,Athens (GREECE),2016年7月
40. (題目)Handle Vibration Reduction of Brush Cutter by Unbalancing Centrifugal
(著者)Yuichi Sugita, Junji Yoshida, Yusuke Itahashi, Shigeru Miyakawa,
Teruhito Oono,
Daiga Ishikawa
(会議名)ICSV 23 1頁~8頁,Athens (GREECE),2016年7月
41. (題目)Sound quality evaluation of drum type washing machine at drying
the improvement instance
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Rei Yamashita, Shota Yoshida, Tomohiro Fujii, Akihiro Hosokawa
(会議名)InterNoise2016 1頁~11頁,Hambrug (Germany),2016年8月
42. (題目)Principal vibration modes of sports bicycle at the running condition
(著者)Kojiro Nakano, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2017 1頁~9頁,HongKong (China),2017年8月
43. (題目)Extraction of high contributing vibration modes to vehicle interior noise using operational
TPA. -Obtaining method for vehicle body panel mode contribution by applying principal
component model to each surface-
(著者)Daiki Hayashi, Junji Yoshida, Takuya Kajiyama
(会議名)InterNoise2017 1頁~10頁,HongKong (China),2017年8月
44. (題目)Factor analysis of cab vibration of a construction machine model using
mode shape
correation between operational principal component mode and vibration mode
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Koki Tanaka, Ryo Majima, Rie Nakamoto, Ken Fukasawa
(会議名)InterNoise2017 1頁~9頁,HongKong (China),2017年8月
45. (題目)Contribution analysis of drum type washing machine noise during
drying using multi-layered
operational TPA
(著者)Shota Yoshida, Masahiro Okajima, Junji Yoshida, Tomohiro Fujii, Akihiro Hosokawa
(会議名)InterNoise2017 1頁~10頁,HongKong (China),2017年8月
46. (題目)Influence of unexpected engine start sound and vibration of hybrid
vehicle in cabin
(著者)Mutsuki Sakuramoto, Yohei Masaki, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2017 1頁~7頁,HongKong (China),2017年8月
47. (題目)Contribution Analysis of Vehicel Body Vibration Mode to the Interior
Noise Utilizing
Operational TPA
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Daiki Hayashi, Takkuya Kajiyama
(会議名)ICSV 24 1頁~8頁,London (England),2017年7月
48. (題目)Extraction of high contributing vibration mode to vehicle interior road noise using
operational TPA and CAE combination analysis
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Ryo Majima, Daiki Hayashi, Junki Isemura
(会議名)DAGA2018 187頁~190頁,Munich (Germany),2018年3月
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Ibuki Hatta, Rei Yamashita
(会議名)ICSV 25 1頁~8頁,Hiroshima (Japan),2018年7月
50. (題目)Fundamental Study of Time Domain Contribution Separation Technique
for Principal
Component Mode Affecting the Ride Comfort of a Vehicle
(著者)Takuya Kajiyama, Hiroki Taguti, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2018 1頁~12頁,Chicago (USA),2018年8月
51. (題目)Handle Vibration Reduction of Lawnmower by Applying Slightly Unbalanced
(著者)Shimpei Ohno, Yusuke Yamaguchi, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2018 1頁~12頁,Chicago (USA),2018年8月
52. (題目)Interaction between Vehicle Interior Noise and Steering Vibration
on the
Uncomfortableness in Cabin
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Mutsuki Sakuramoto, Yoshiyuki Sukegawa
(会議名)InterNoise2018 1頁~11頁,Chicago (USA),2018年8月
53. (題目)Combination Analysis of Operational TPA and CAE for Extraction of High Contributing
Vibration Mode to Vehicle Interior Road Noise
(著者)Ryo Majima, Junki Isemura, Daiki Hayashi, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2018 1頁~12頁,Chicago (USA),2018年8月
54. (題目)Vibration Reduction of pocket bike handle considering hand-arm
sensitivty and contribution
(著者)C.M. Tsai, Kyosuke Inoue, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)ACMFMS2018 1頁~4頁,Tainan (Taiwan),2018年10月
55. (題目)Extraction of principal component mode of vehicle body affecting
the ride comfort
(著者)Hiroki Taguchi, Kajiyama Takuya, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)ACMFMS2018 1頁~4頁,Tainan (Taiwan),2018年10月
56. (題目)Method for selecting important vibration mode of bicycle frame
at running condition
using principal component analysis
(著者)Takuya Hirao, Koujiro Nakano, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)ACMFMS2018 1頁~4頁,Tainan (Taiwan),2018年10月
57. (題目)Uncomfortableness to vacuum cleaner noise according to the mental
state between
active and passive situation
(著者)Ibuki Hatta, Sosuke Okuno, Junji Yoshida, Pedro Poveda Martinez, Jaime Ramis Soriano
(会議名)InterNoise2019 1頁~11頁,Madrid (Spain),2019年6月
58. (題目)Influence of engine noise in cabin on controlling the vehicle speed
(著者)Yoshiyuki Sukegawa, Shota Nishiwaki, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2019 1頁~10頁,Madrid (Spain),2019年6月
59. (題目)Analytical method for vehicle interior noise using principal component
contribution-Identification of resonance frequency in cabin at the
operational condition
utilizing principal component transfer function-
(著者)Junki Isemura, Ryo Majima, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)InterNoise2019 1頁~10頁,Madrid (Spain),2019年6月
60. (題目)Analytical method for vehicle interior noise using principal component
Contribution analysis of whole body vibration behavior through separated
(著者)Junji Yoshida, Junki Isemura, Ryo Majima
(会議名)InterNoise2019 1頁~12頁,Madrid (Spain),2019年6月
61. (題目)Obtaining method of high contributing body and frame vibration behavior to road noise using
principal component contribution analysis
(著者)Hiroki Taguchi, Kanon Nukata, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)ICA2019 1頁~8頁,Aachen (Germany),2019年9月
62. (題目)Extraction of high contributing sound of Air Handling Unit and
noise reduction using
transfer path analysis
(著者)Takuya Hirao, Yousuke Miyamoto, Junji Yoshida
(会議名)ICA2019 1頁~8頁,Aachen (Germany),2019年9月