""Visualizations of Sinusoidal Spirals, Limacons of Pascal, and Conic Curves using Equiangular Spirals of Secondary Metallic Ratios, [Theoretical Graphics and Geometry]", The 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Location: Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Fukuoka, Japan, Date: August 5-9, 2024

"Visualizations of discrete equiangular spirals based on similar metallic ratios using Pythagorean theorem and weighted Fibonacci sequences"   ", 31st European Conference on Operational Research(EURO2021), Athens, Greece(Virtual), 2021.7.12

  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Spirals based on Equilateral Triangles about Various Related Padovan and Weighted Gibonacci Sequences (in Japanese)", Annual meeting of Japan Fibonacci Association, Tokyo Univeristy of Science, Tokyo, Japan, (2024.8.23)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Visualizations of Sinusoidal Spirals, Limacons of Pascal, and Conic Curves using Equiangular Spirals of Secondary Metallic Ratios [Theoretical Graphics and Geometry]", The Poster of The 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Fukuoka, Japan, (2024.8.6)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), " Geometric Characterizations of Spirals or Isometric Projection about Pythagorean Theorem and Standard Normal Distributio - Modeling with Triangles, Squares, and Similar Metallic Ratios - (in Japanese)", Memoirs of Osaka Institute of Technology, Vol. 65, No. 2, (2020), pp. 103~127.
  • "Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangles, Circles, and Squares
    - Ordinary Differential Equations, Pythagorean Theorem, Equilateral Triangles, and Golden Ratio -
    ", RIMS Kôkyûroku, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, No.2158-20(2020.7.1)
  • Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13, PDF)
  • Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13, MP4)
  • Replications of the Posters of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) International Conference 2019 and Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) Innovation Days 2019 (Ver.2)
  • Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square (SETA2019, MP4) Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square (SETA2019)
    Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square (SETA2019, MP4)
    Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square (SETA2019, MP4) Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square (SETA2019)
    Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13, MP4) Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square (SETA2019, MP4)
    Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13, MP4) Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13, MP4)
        Geometric Symmetries about Standard Normal Distribution with Heart, Diamonds, Right Triangles, Circles, and Squares by Isometric Drawing (2020.07.07)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "© 2019, Our works about standard normal distribution (Part 1)", Examples: 1. Symmetry positive and negative returns and these risk, 2. Visualization and symmetry of integral of cumulative distribution function, 3. Visualization of Bernoulli differential equation and second-order differential equation.", (2019.3).
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "© 2019, Our works about standard normal distribution (Part 2)", Examples: 1. Superposition of linear differential equations, 2. Practical approximation by equilateral triangle, 3. Visualization of cumulative distribution probability by Pythagorean theorem.", (2019.3).
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "© 2019, Our works about standard normal distribution (Part 3)", Examples: 1. Pearson's finding number 0.612 and correlation coefficients of that, 2. Risk aversions for winners and preferences for losers by coin tossing with fees.", (2019.3).
  • the Most Important Presentation

  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), " Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13)", 2019 RIMS Workshop, Theory and Its Application of Mathematical Decision Making under Uncertainty and Ambiguity, (2019.11.13), Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
  • Presentaion PDF (Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13))
  • Presentaion MP4 (Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangle, Circle, and Square (RIMS2019-11-13))
  • Papers

  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), " Geometric Characterizations of Spirals or Isometric Projection about Pythagorean Theorem and Standard Normal Distribution
    - Modeling with Triangles, Squares, and Similar Metallic Ratios - (in Japanese)
    ", Memoirs of Osaka Institute of Technology, Vol. 65, No. 2, (2020), pp. 103~127.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University) , "Rotationally Symmetric Relations of Standard Normal Distribution Using Right Triangles, Circles, and Squares
    - Ordinary Differential Equations, Pythagorean Theorem, Equilateral Triangles, and Golden Ratio -
    ", Theory and Its Application of Mathematical Decision Making under Uncertainty and Ambiguity, RIMS Kôkyûroku, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, No.2058-20,pp.??-??(Total 13 pages),(2020.7.1)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square", The 15th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA2019, 2019.6.1-2), Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, (2019.6.2)
    • Presentaion PDF (Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square(SETA2019))
    • Presentaion PPT (Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square(SETA2019))
    • Presentaion MP4 (Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square(SETA2019))
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "Geometric Characterizations of Standard Normal Distribution     - Two Types of Differential Equations, Relationships with Square and Circle, and Their Similar Characterizations - ", Decision making theories under uncertainty and its applications: the extensions of mathematics for programming, RIMS Kôkyûroku, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, No. 2078, pp. 58-64,(2018.9)
    Fast announcement of some misspelled equations and mistakes of my thinking on November 14,2018.
    Modified Version on November 22,2018 (on March 7, 2019 at our website).
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Uncertainties of economic evaluation on the large-scale repair planning of condominiums", Theory and application of mathematical models under uncertainty, RIMS Kôkyûroku, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, No. 2044, pp. 101-111 (2017.9) in Japanese
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Characteristics and Uncertainties of Mean-Variance Model - Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel -", Memoirs of Osaka Institute of Technology, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 17-46 (2015.1) in Japanese
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Maximization For Sum Total Expected Gains By Winners of repetition game of coin toss considering the Charge Based On Its Number Of Trial", Transactions of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol. 55, pp. 1-26 (2012.12) in Japanse
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Product Mix based on Uncertainties of Standard Operations Time Considered Correlations of Each Division by Using Chance-Constrained Model", Shokei-gakuso, Journal of Business Studies, Vol.58, No.3, pp.173-195 (2012.3) in Japanese
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Product Mix based on Uncertainties of Standard Operation Time", Memoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology, Series A, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp.1-9 (2011.2) in Japanese
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Development of Local Database for Obtainable Data of Stock Prices from Website and Its Applications of Mean Variance Model and Capital Asset Pricing Model", Memoirs of the Osaka Institute of Technology, Series A, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.11-24 (2010.10) in Japanese
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Study on sales mix based on uncertain times of standard operations", Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 67-72, (2008.10)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Study on Reliability Evaluation for Gaming Simulation", Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 2359-2366, (2007.10)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Konan University), "Principal component analysis for limit state functions of structural system", Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR'01) Corotis et. al. (eds), Swets and Zeitlinger, ISBN 90 5809 197 X, p.208, FCO256.pdf, (2003.1)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Konan University), "Reliability design of structural system with cost effectiveness during life cycle", Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 447-456, (2002.9)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Konan University), "Basic risk assessment model for reliability-based design of structural system", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM5) , Vol. 2, pp. 701-707, (2000)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Konan University), "Reliability design of structural system with cost effectiveness during life cycle", Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 606-610, (1999)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Konan University), "Practical effective bound for system reliability using conditional reliability indices", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR'97), Vol.1, pp.681-684, (1998)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Review of standardized transformation methods for structural reliability", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE1996, ASME, Vol. 2, pp. 95-102, (1996)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Hidetoshi NAKAYASU (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Uncertainties of safety index on structural safety", IFIP Transactions (International Federation for Information Processing), No. B-12, pp. 189-196, (1993)
  • International Conference

  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Visualizations of Sinusoidal Spirals, Limacons of Pascal, and Conic Curves using Equiangular Spirals of Secondary Metallic Ratios [Theoretical Graphics and Geometry]", The Poster of The 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Kitakyushu International Conference Center, Fukuoka, Japan, (2024.8.6)
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Visualizations of discrete equiangular spirals based on similar metallic ratios using Pythagorean theorem and weighted Fibonacci sequences", 31th European Conference on Operational Research (the EURO2021 ) (2021.7.12), Athens, Greece.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "Geometric Characterizations and Symmetric Relations between Standard Normal Distribution and Inverse Mills Ratio based on Pythagorean Theorem", Royal Statistical Society International Conference 2019 (RSS2019), (2019.9.3-4), ICC Belfast, Belfast, UK.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "Symmetric Relations and Geometric Characterizations about Standard Normal Distribution by Circle and Square", The 15th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA2019), (2019.6.2), Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Equilibrium point on standard normal distribution between expected growth return and its risk", 28th European Conference on Operational Research (the EURO XXVIII ) (2016.7), Poznan, Poland.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "Equilibrium Relationship between the Performance and the Information Ratio with Transaction Costs", the 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS2014) (2014.7), Barcelona, Spain.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology) and Masamitsu OHNISHI (Osaka University), "Equilibrium relationship between the profit of the market and its transaction cost by financial institution", 26th European Conference on Operational Research (the EURO XXVI ) (2013.7), Rome, Italy.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Study on sales mix based on uncertain times of standard operations", Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (2008.10), Beijing, China.
  • Shingo NAKANISHI (Osaka Institute of Technology), "Study on Reliability Evaluation for Gaming Simulation", Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (2007.10), Alexandria, Egypt
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