OIT 2023-2024

Interdisciplinary Projects (PBL) 16Our team has engaged in the development of a wireless EV (electric vehicle) charging system within the next generation EV Project. Electric vehicles are highly efficient and do not create air pollution. One of the keys to their successful diffusion is the provision of adequate battery charging infrastructure. The wireless charging system eliminates the use of power cables. Merely by parking the car in a designated spot, the battery can be charged, making it easy and safe for a broad range of users including the elderly. It is a promising system for wider diffusion. In our team's wireless charging system, power is converted into a high-frequency magnetic field that is conducted through space. Aiming at wide diffusion and positive environmental impact, we are developing a new system that can achieve this with the simplest components and at ultra-low cost. The developed wireless EV charger won the third prize and the best innovative design award in the International Competition of Future Energy Challenge held by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in USA.Besides the team-based projects, as independent student research projects we aim to attend to Science Inter-college presentation competition supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT).This project involves designing a computer processor. Students engage in design in teams of four to five members. The competition organizers (academic staff) specify only the instruction set. Each team independently designs a processor that can execute this. The design has to be completed in roughly two and a half months. Students start by producing a circuit diagram, then develop their design using hardware description language, conduct motion simulation and perform motion tests on FPGA board and finally arrive at a completed processor. On the last day of the competition, each team runs a program on their finished processor, competing on processor performance. The organizers provide the students only with their design environment. No advice or help is given. The students have to rely on their own abilities to design a fully functioning processor. The detail design will greatly affect the processor performance. Therefore, each team devotes its effort and energy into perfecting a design that will produce better performance.The purpose of this project is to give school kids some opportunity of scientific experiments and fascinating science experience. The contents vary in type from Science Fair in OIT campus to Science Agora supported by JST held in Tokyo. During two years the project has provided:1. Preparation of aromatic colorful candles by flame reaction2. Strong and large soap bubbles3. Original bubble bath4. Color switchable flowers by pH responseThe Intellectual Property Public Relation Project (IP PR Project) is student activities outside a curriculum under the supervision of IP faculties. The project supports mainly SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and sole proprietorships according to their requests in terms of IP strategies, as well as campus laboratories and traditional regional industries such as Osaka Ranma. Currently, the Project has provided patent research services, brand developing consultations with market research and comprehensive IP consultations in R&D processes. In 2019, the IP PR Project members joined the collaborative research project in the flexible robotics laboratory and promoted the design thinking development of a bedsore preventive device. As a result, the Project has received several awards: This project aims at not only deepening student’s IP understandings and enhancing students’ career development but also contributing to the local society with academic knowledge.Development of Wireless EV Charging System (Kawakami-mura Eco Project)Computer Design ProjectScience À La Carte École Project The IP PR Project

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