OIT 2023-2024

2Department of Mechanical 4 7893Department of Electrical and 6Department of Biomedical 17OIT also provides international version of Project-Based Learning (PBL) as we call it International PBL (iPBL). The programs are conducted with our overseas partnership institutions.In each iPBL program, students from participating universities are grouped together and instructed to communicate in English. Each team completes the same project, such as hardware/software development or system design, which can promote students' practical engineering skills. OIT believes that such interaction allows students to gain experience in a diverse and professional environment reflecting our globalizing world.OIT and Overseas Partners support the “SDGs” through implementation of the iPBL. Science is vital for supporting a wide range of global policy objectives, many of them included in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is a strong rationale for academies to engage on the SDGs. OIT has decided that the SDGs are worth being set as the common theme for the next five years, expected to increase the participants’ motivation.Please check our Web page to see more OIT Study Abroad Programs:https://www.oit.ac.jp/english/international/studyAbroad.htmland Urban DesignEngineeringElectronic Systems Engineering,Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering5Department of Applied ChemistryEngineeringFaculty of Robotics and Design10Faculty of Information Science and Technology11121314International Center15* Programs funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)OIT Faculty/Department1Department of Civil Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech); OITOIT; Taiwan Tech, Can Tho University, Viet Nam, Chiang Mai University, ThailandUniversity of San Jose-Recoletos, Philippines; Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, OITNational Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech); OITThammasat University, Thailand; OITTatung University, Taiwan, OITNational Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech), Taiwan, OITSirindhorn International Institute of Technology- Thammasat University (SIIT), Thailand, OIT; Universiti Malasia Sabah, MalaysiaOIT; SIIT, ThailandThai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand; OITSIIT, Thailand; OITOIT; Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor, SenegelKorea National University of Arts, South Korea; OITOIT; Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)OIT; Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, IndonesiaSeismic Design and Construction of Column Structural ModelSmart Vertical Farming Challenge 2023, CebuIntelligent vehicle challenge 2023Preparation of supercapacitors and characterization of its functional propertiesInternational joint PBL on biotechnology *International PBL using Design ThinkingDesign Thinking about the Global Issue for Asian People on Healthy Lives and Wellbeing *Drone programming by Python languageDigital Transformation Ideathon for Sustainable Development Goals (DX-SDGs Ideathon)Application Development Applying Image RecognitionPython Programming of Drone Control *Cross-Cultural Media Design ProjectSDGs education program through traditional craft techniques *Advanced Program for Bilateral Exchange Fostered through Monozukuri Experience *Development of Wind TurbineHost; Participating Univ.Project TitleRelated SDG(s)2023 iPBL Outline of Plan (As of July 2023)International PBL Programs

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