9specialtraininginformationmediasoftwareinformationcomputer engineeringandsoftwarerecognitionandinformation mediacomputerengineeringcommunicationsnetworksbasic fieldsystemsof informationinformation systemsandcommunications networksspecialresearchaging population and declining birthrate, have increased the importance of ICT. In response to such pressing demands, the Faculty of Information Science and Technology has set an educational goal: to produce information professionals who are capable of contributing to social development through the mastery of telecommunication technology.Offering a well-balanced curriculum in core ICT subjects, the Faculty provides students with the comprehensive education that full-fledged members of society require, including communication skills, the ability to get things done, and ethical values, with the goal of developing promising individuals who will advance telecommunication technology into the future. In 2005, the Computer Science (CS) Course* on core ICT was accredited by the JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education), a first among such engineering education programs offered by private universities in Japan. Then, in 2009, "Spiral Information Education for developing SE (System Engineer) abilities," a unique program designed to develop well-balanced SEs who have a wide range of abilities (modeling, designing, job performance), was adopted as a Current Good Practice (Program for Promoting University Education and Student Support) by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.In 2021, the Department of Data Science is established in the faculty to create new value for business and social systems through the knowledge of information technology, statistics and management systems.* The CS course will be discontinued for students entering from 2025 onwards.Graduate School of Information Science and TechnologyOutline and FeaturesThe Master’s and Doctoral Programs of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology were launched in 2000 and 2002, respectively. Both programs offer a course in Information Science and Technology.Our goal is to develop internationally active advanced engineers and professionals who have advanced vocational skills. This goal will be achieved by providing students with opportunities to acquire the skills necessary to perform highly specialized tasks, in addition to the scholarly knowledge that serves as their foundation.The program offers education and research opportunities across specialist fields such as computer engineering, software, information systems, information media, and communications networks, as well as the basic field of information.To develop advanced software engineers and successful project managers, practical education and internship opportunities involving the creation of large-scale cloud computing systems are encouraged via the “Cloud Spiral Program Initiative for Reality-based Advanced Learning.” This is a joint education project carried out with other universities and private enterprises.Research and educational goalsOur goals are to produce skilled researchers who will be active on the frontlines of science. We provide further academic opportunities for these already working to become further professionals possessing advanced vocational skills.The program offers education and research opportunities in the three specialist fields of computer engineering and software, recognition and information media, and information systems and communications networks. Master’s Program Doctoral Program
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