OIT 2024-2025

1 the Intellectual Property Professional Course2 the Brand & Design Course3 the Business Management Course10Graduate School and Faculty of Faculty of Intellectual PropertyJapan's first and unique faculty for the study of intellectual property and professional skillsFor the continued growth of enterprises, it is of essential importance to protect the technology and design of the developed product as intellectual property. There is a strong demand for intellectual property professionals with legal expertise concerning patent and trademark, who are also versed in business and marketing as well as technologies that will lead to innovation. Responding to the social needs, the Faculty of Intellectual Property was born as the one and only academic institution in Japan where students can specialize in the study of intellectual property. As such, the faculty offers unique educational programs that are peculiar to the sole humanities department in a technological university.The school provides three major courses in accordance with the students' future career pathsThe faculty of Intellectual Property offers a wide range of learning opportunity for students to realize their goals and objectives. The three courses are designed to pursue the targeted images of professionals in each field:Graduate School of Intellectual PropertyOutline and FeaturesThe Graduate School of Intellectual Property (IP Professional Master Course) is a unique professional school started in 2005 at OIT to create industry-required professionals with knowledge and skills of the Intellectual Property. As of now, our Graduate School as well is the only professional graduate school in Japan that offers the environment to study intellectual property. The faculty members are composed of IP experts and practitioners with profound experiences in industrial sectors and national government. They provide students with relevant professional education in the legal realm as well as IP skills to develop IP professionals. The School accepts a variety of students with various background including working people and other graduates from various undergraduate degrees such as law, engineering, economics, business administration, etc. The unique diploma of Master of IP (Professional Course) will be granted to those students who have completed the course with the required credits and a research thesis.Small-group instruction and individual guidanceOne distinctive feature of learning at the Faculty of Intellectual Property is its seminar-based small-group instruction, which starts at the students' first year and guides them all the way through to graduation, providing personalized learning support as well as guidance for campus life and career planning.Opportunities to learn subjects of science and technology provided by the other FacultiesIntellectual property is a multidisciplinary field which requires a wide range of knowledge, for example, law, science and technology, economics, and business administration. Taking advantage of OIT having the Faculties of Engineering, Robotics and Design, Information Science and Technology, students in the Faculty of Intellectual Property can learn those subjects provided by the three faculties of OIT.Intellectual Property

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