12Advanced Practice for Development ProcessWorkshop by Stanford University Staff5-axis machining centerLab (Course for semiconductor device fabrication)Research for semiconductor thin film fabrication by graduate studentsOmiya CampusUmeda CampusThe Monodzukuri Center (MONOLAB.) offers broad support to graduate and undergraduate students to help them perfect their engineering skills and embark on innovative projects in the area of “manufacturing technologies.” It also serves as a state-of-the-art center for researching, designing and manufacturing apparatus and equipment intended for use in experiments. At its core, the Center consists of specialized rooms for machining, welding, casting, fabrication, woodworking, circuit production, and CAD/CAE. Each of these specialized rooms is equipped with advanced equipment, including a five-axis machining center, 3D printing machines, and a multilayer printed circuit board press machine.Nanomaterials Microdevices Research Center (NMRC) was founded in 1987 as New Materials Research Center with state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities dedicated for both research and education in the field of advanced semiconductor materials and devices. The former center was renewed to its current name NMRC in 2006 as a center for nanotechnology by the aid of financial support from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). NMRC has an expanded area of 600 m2 (from 350 m2), and its research activities cover the fields of material science, chemistry, bioengineering, and MEMS/NEMS and continue to expand to the interdisciplinary fields.The Robotics & Design Center (RDC) is a design driven innovation hub aimed at overcoming the difficulties of an aging society. To spur innovation, we are fusing engineering, science and designer's knowledge.We educate & cultivate people about how to think and act in finding solutions through PBL (Problem Based Learning). We elicit creativity in individuals and promote the importance of team work.To achieve our aims and deliver results, we are holding special Open Innovation Creation events with community participation. The host venue has been the OIT Umeda Campus since 2017. The Campus will provide much more than a place of learning for students. With project tasks suggested by the community and the business sector, event participants will take their own initiative, fully exploiting the Rapid Prototyping Method. The PBL program that will be used is designed to give practical training in seeking solutions while focusing on creating products. The activities that unfold on the Umeda Campus will trigger innovations inspired by everybody who joins the Umeda project. The resulting creative innovations will form the basis of a society where men and women of all ages can live healthy, happy and fulfilling lives.Monodzukuri Center (MONOLAB)Nanomaterials Microdevices Research CenterOmiya CampusRobotics & Design CenterResearch Centers
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