OIT 2024-2025

Research Centers13iPBL : Taipei Tech, Kookmin Univ. and OIT students challenged real-world problems.Life Support Type RobotDAC is established to archive digital medias translate from the real world.High-brightness spherical screen and multi-projector systemGuide Dog RobotUmeda CampusHirakata CampusHirakata CampusXport is an open innovation hub located in the heart of the city of Osaka, established in 2018, with the collaboration between Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) and the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It was the first time in Japan that an open innovation hub was built through the cooperation of a university and the Chamber of Commerce. This open innovation hub "Xport", making the best use of a city-center campus, aims at enabling Osaka to produce new businesses and many startups like the Silicon Valley in the United States of America, where companies, professors and students interact with each other every day. Various activities have been conducted to produce new services and products since the establishment, keeping the diversity with participators including large companies, startups, students, professors, business persons, and global partners. For now, more than 100 member companies have joined the Xport, and it has attracted attention from many people as a completely new industrial academia joint hub, which fully utilizes the merits of a city-center campus, plays a main role of solving problems at large companies, and gives entrepreneurs maximum support in their capacity development and intellectual property management.This center is designed for making digital contents and has various Input-output devices to capture the real world. It is possible to archive various contents into the server, including motion data digitized from movement of the human body, digital sound data recorded from actual sound or generated by acoustic synthesis device, and three-dimensional shape data designed by computer graphics software. The motion capture system records the human body motion by tracking spherical mirrors on the motion capture suit and generates body skeleton in real time. We have developed the support system that is intended for the beginners of several kinds of sports such as Japanese traditional archery,"Kyudo". Laser Scanner can digitize real objects with their color textures. We also have developed an application that supports people engaged in the preservation of historic valuable remains. Our system can find combination of pieces of broken remains scanned by the laser scanner and can show their assembling order. In addition, many latest devices and software for content creation are installed.In the Human Robotics R&D Center, our research and development is focused on robots of the future, that is, robots that can exist in symbiosis with humans in the truest sense by making their lives safe and comfortable. By mobilizing all the research laboratories of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, and through collaborative research with other universities and enterprises, we seek to develop robots that can support human activities in a smooth and efficient manner. XportDigital Archive CenterHuman Robotics R&D Center

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