522020 53312 (Part-time lectures, visiting professors, engineers, etc. are not included.)(Part-time staff is not included.)Osaka Institute of TechnologyOIT at GlanceFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of Robotics and DesignFaculty of Information Science and TechnologyFaculty of Intellectual PropertyNumber of Students (as of May 1, 2024)Number of Fulltime Faculties (as of May 1, 2024)Number of Administrative Staff (as of May 1, 2024)Graduate School of EngineeringGraduate School of Robotics and DesignGraduate School of Information Science and TechnologyGraduate School of Intellectual PropertyFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of Robotics and DesignFaculty of Information Science and TechnologyFaculty of Intellectual PropertyTotal3,7451,2531,917 5917,506CourseMaster’s CoursesDoctoral CoursesMaster’s CoursesDoctoral CoursesMaster’s CoursesDoctoral CoursesProfessional Graduate CourseAssistant Professor82Temporary62Department of Civil Engineering and Urban DesignDepartment of ArchitectureDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Systems EngineeringDepartment of Electronics and Information Systems EngineeringDepartment of Applied ChemistryDepartment of Environmental EngineeringDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringDepartment of RoboticsDepartment of System DesignDepartment of Design and ArchitectureDepartment of Data ScienceDepartment of Information and Computer ScienceDepartment of Information SystemsDepartment of Media ScienceDepartment of Network DesignDepartment of Intellectual PropertyUndergraduateTotalGraduate SchoolGraduate School of EngineeringGraduate School of Robotics and DesignGraduate School of Information Science and TechnologyGraduate School of Intellectual PropertyTotalProfessorAssociate Professor166Full-timeFull-time Contract115Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban DesignElectrical, Electronic and Mechanical EngineeringApplied Chemistry, Environmental and Biomedical EngineeringRobotics and DesignInformation Science and TechnologyIntellectual PropertyInternational Students4310 8 061Total3591090389394648Research Associate43Temporarily TransferredInternational Students16Total294Total181
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