OIT 2024-2025

4Structural Research CenterNanomaterials Microdevices Research CenterAdvanced Rocket LaboratoryA laboratory of Environmental EngineeringThese eight departments cover all of the important specialized technical fields in industry. The Department of General Education is responsible for the basic scientific education of our students. In addition, the Division of Human Sciences provides the basics of social sciences and humanities, languages, and physical education.MONOLAB, the manufacturing center of the Faculty of Engineering, is one of the most distinctive facilities, providing students with opportunities to freely use a wide variety of machine tools, and join project teams that design and build solar cars, formula cars, human-powered aircrafts, robots, and artificial satellites. These projects provide students with ideal opportunities to cultivate their abilities and become practical and cooperative engineers. 1 Civil Engineering and Urban Design 2 Architecture 3 Mechanical Engineering 4 Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering 5 Electronics and Information Systems Engineering 6 Applied Chemistry 7 Environmental Engineering 8 Biomedical EngineeringGraduate School and Faculty of Faculty of EngineeringOutline and FeaturesWhen Kansai Engineering Technical School(predecessor of current “OIT”)was founded in 1922, the focus was on civil engineering. Since then, the Faculty of Engineering has spurred the growth of OIT to its present group of eight departments. The philosophy of this faculty is to educate students to become well-trained practical engineers to meet industrial needs and to contribute to the benefits of society. Each department provides a well-organized curriculum and carries out highly advanced and practical research and education. The Faculty of Engineering emphasizes introductory education as well as technically focused education to suit the requirements of each department. The industrial world today has an increased need for teamwork and individuals who have superior communication capabilities, so the Faculty of Engineering includes PBL (Project Based Learning), manufacturing experience, and project team activities in its educational curriculum. As members of society are increasingly concentrating on ways to reduce energy and resource consumption, to live environmentally conscious lives, OIT is vigorously carrying out the Eco Campus project that aims to create a recycle-based society. The combination of our aims and our achievements has boosted our reputation as an organization that trains students to become first-class engineers.OrganizationThe Faculty of Engineering consists of the following eight departments:Engineering

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