Researcher List

Laboratories in Department of Information Systems

Astrophysics and Mathematical Sciences Group
Prof. Hisaaki SHINKAI

Astrophysics and Mathematical Sciences Group

We research theoretical astrophysics, relativity, and mathematical sciences using numerical approaches. Our research targets a wide range of natural and social phenomena. The principal investigator’s specialty is in general relativity, which describes the expansion of the universe, gravitational wave and black holes. For undergrads, each student is required to conduct modeling and numerical analysis of natural or social phenomena. Graduate students are encouraged to pursue researches in the data analysis of gravitational wave, dynamics of higher-dimensional spacetime and/or extended gravity theories.
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Social Infrastructure Information Systems Laboratory
Prof. Takaaki YAMADA

Social Infrastructure Information Systems Laboratory

In this era of change in automated technologies such as self-driving, social infrastructures, including transportation, electric power, finance, media, and public safety, meet with a major transformation. Through addressing familiar problems in the daily activities from the viewpoint of systems engineering, we study technologies for planning, developing, and operating information systems that will support future social infrastructure.

Main Research Topics

  • System architecture, design of social infrastructure information systems, distributed ID of people and things, etc.

Team Software Development Laboratory
Prof. Hiroshi IGAKI

Team Software Development Laboratory

It is necessary for multiple developers to work in teams to develop software quickly. Team software development requires developers sophisticated communication among developers, appropriate use of various technologies, and adherence to complex development rules. In this laboratory, we focus on the following topics from both educational and research perspectives: how to efficiently learn various technologies used in team software development, such as version control systems, software build systems, and automated testing environments; and how to measure, visualize, and evaluate the activities of each developer in team development. I am also working on a system to measure, visualize, and evaluate the activities of each developer in team development.

Main Research Topics

  • Evaluation criteria and support for understanding the situation of software development PBL considering the roles in a team
  • Task recording support environment for software development PBL using task board and online storage.
  • Support for using version control system for team software development using GitHub
  • Coding process visualization system for understanding the progress of programming exercises

Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Prof. Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO

Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Distributed optimization is a technique to achieve global optimization of a multi-agent system by means of local optimization by each agent and information exchange among agents. We conduct a wide range of research from basic research to application to real systems.

Main Research Topics

  • Distributed optimization using market principles in distributed energy management systems
  • Distributed scheduling method using alternating direction method of multipliers
  • Research on the choreography realization problem

Parallel Processing Laboratory
Prof. Yasuharu MIZUTANI

Image processing using PC cluster
Image processing using PC cluster

My research focuses on the development support and education support for parallel programming. Recently, there are many types of hardware for parallel computing such as PC cluster, multicore processor, GPU, and their combinations, in the field of scientific computing. This makes it difficult to develop efficient parallel programs due to the complexity of their architecture. Therefore, the research addresses the framework and compiler techniques for everyone to easily develop the programs by abstracting parallel programming.

Main Research Topics

  • Parallel programming languages for education
  • Parallel processing frameworks
  • Support tools for programming education

Scientific Visualization Laboratory
Associate Prof. Yoshiyuki KAMAKURA

Examples of (semi-) automatic contour extraction of the objects from microscopy 2D images with image processing or numerical methods, and 3D visualization with obtained indices.
Examples of (semi-) automatic contour extraction of the objects from microscopy 2D images with image processing or numerical methods, and 3D visualization with obtained indices.

Our research areas are scientific visualization, biomedical image processing and analysis, advanced image processing, and computer vision.
Especially, they are the contactless and low burden measurements of physiological signals, and reconstruction of the 3D models from the CT/MRI tomography images.

Recent Research Topics

  • Development of the software for 3D reconstruction from CT/MRI tomography images with the following methods:
    - adaptive active contour models, called "Centy"
    - Watershed model or Random Walker model
  • Contactless and low burden measurements of physiological signals and comparison of obtained indices with the conventional sensor measurements:
    - PPG
    - blink
    - respiration
    - facial expression os gestures
  • Research on image tampering detection and restoration methods using multiplexed watermarking
  • Research on the visualization of measurement data for human and natural phenomena

Software Development and Design Laboratory
Associate Prof. Masaki OBANA

Software Development and Design Laboratory

Targets of our laboratory research are software process and software development method for development efficiency. Research topics of our laboratory are the following.

1. Software development and process analysis

At first we develop business application software analyze software in teams, then we try to find true problems at software development. For example, we investigate software quality using software metrics and process metrics. Then, we propose original software development methods reflecting our analysis results.

2. System fault detection used system log and application log

Recently, large computer system is popular with complex package software and cloud service, network system. So, the difficulty of detecting system fault increases. Therefore, we analyze results of merging system log and device log, infrastructure log. The merged logs help us detect causes of system fault with pattern recognition techniques and machine learning techniques.

Laboratory for Software Reliability
Assistant Prof. Kiyoshi HONDA

Laboratory for Software Reliability

We study how to measure the reliability of software and what can be done with the measured results. We also research methods to support software development. The following are some of our research results.

  • Support for early detection of development problems
  • Support to compare the progress of a project with that of other projects
  • Analyze a lot of development data to gain new insights

Main Research Topics

  • Application of software reliability growth models to support project
  • Analysis of time to detect defects and correct defects
  • Detection of unexpected situations in projects
  • Research on evaluation methods for metrics
  • Prediction of software development time

Discrete Mathematics Laboratory
Assistant Prof. Shoko CHISAKI

Discrete Mathematics Laboratory

Discrete mathematics deals with discrete objects. It is related to various fields of information science such as combinatorial design, graph theory, combinatorial optimization, coding theory, cryptography, and algorithms. Combinatorial design is also closely related to design of experiments.
In this laboratory, we mainly study combinatorial design, graph theory, codes, finite geometry, and so on.

Main Research Topic

  • Constructions of combinatorial designs