29 | On pretzel links which are concordant to the trivial link
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (2023)
| 2350083 (14 pages)
| with Y.Nakanishi, T.Shibuya
28 | Characterizations of pretzel knots which are simple-ribbon
| J. Math. Soc. Japan
| (2023)
| 1431--1447
| with T. Shibuya, Y. Uchida, T. Ishikawa
27 | Alexander polynomials of simple-ribbon knots
| Osaka Journal of Mathematics
| (2021)
| 41-57
| with K.Kishimoto, T.Shibuya, T.Ishikawa
26 | Simple-ribbon fusions and primeness of links
| Mem. Osaka Inst. Tech.
| (2020)
| 43-50
| with T.Shibuya |
25 | Sliceness of alternating pretzel knots and links
| Topology Appl.
| (2020)
| 107317
| with K.Kishimoto, T.Shibuya |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
24 | Simple-ribbon concordance of knots
| Kobe Journal of Mathematics
| (2020)
| 1-17
| with K.Kishimoto, T.Shibuya
23 | Simple-ribbon fusions and primeness of knots
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (2018)
| 1850057 (11 pages)
| with K.Kishimoto, T.Shibuya
22 | A note on the slice-ribbon conjecture and simple-ribbon fusions
| Mem. Osaka Inst. Tech.
| (2018)
| 7-13
| with T.Shibuya
21 | Simple-ribbon fusions on non-split links
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (2017)
| 1741005 (15 pages)
| with K.Kishimoto, T.Shibuya
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
20 | Simple ribbon fusions and genera of links
| J. Math. Soc. Japan
| (2016)
| 1033-1045
| with K.Kishimoto, T.Shibuya
19 | Simple ribbon moves for links
| Osaka Journal of Mathematics
| (2014)
| 545-571
| with K.Kobayashi, T.Shibuya
18 | Simple ribbon moves and primeness of knots
| Tokyo Journal of Mathematics
| (2013)
| 147-161
| with T.Shibuya
17 | On non-self local moves
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (2012)
| 1250055 (9 pages)
| with Y.Nakanishi, T.Shibuya, A.Yasuhara
16 | Self delta-equivalence of algebraically split links
| Mem. Osaka Inst. Tech. Ser. A
| (2011)
| no.1 25-31
| with T.Shibuya
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
15 | On attendant graph of simple ribbon moves for links
| Mem. Osaka Inst. Tech. Ser. A
| (2011)
| no.1 19-23
| with T.Shibuya
14 | Self pass-equivalence of Z2-algebraically split links
| Mem. Osaka Inst. Tech. Ser. A
| (2010)
| no.1 25-28
| with T.Shibuya
13 | Homotopy, Delta-equivalence and concordance for knots in the complement of a trivial link
| Topology Appl.
| (2010)
| 1215-1227
| with T.Fleming, T.Shibuya, A.Yasuhara
12 | Self delta-equivalence of links obtained by product fusions
| Mem. Osaka Inst. Tech. Ser. A
| (2009)
| no.2 1-8
| with T.Shibuya
11 | Free self delta-triviality of delta-split links
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (2009)
| 1539-1549
| with Y.Nakanishi, T.Shibuya
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
10 | The almost alternating diagrams of the trivial knot
| J. Topology
| (2009)
| 77-104
09 | A factorization of the Conway polynomial and covering linkage invariants
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (2007)
| 631-640
| with A.Yasuhara
08 | A criterion for almost alternating links to be non-splittable
| Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
| (2004)
| 109-133
07 | The fourth skein module and the Montesinos-Nakanishi conjecture for 3-algebraic links
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications 
| (2001)
| 959-982
| with J.H.Przytycki
06 | Clasp-pass move and Vassiliev invariant of type three for knots
| Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
| (2000)
| 1859-1867
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
05 | On Habiro's C_n-moves and Vassiliev invariants
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (1999)
| 15-26
| with Y.Ohyama
04 | Any knot is inevitable in a regular projection of a planar graph
| J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B
| (1998)
| 161-180
03* | A note on triviality and splittability of almost alternating links
| Proceedings of the Fifth KJSKL
| (1997)
| 327-339
02 | Note on spatial graphs with good drawings
| Proceedings of Knots 96
| (1997)
| 91-98
| with S.Negami
01 | Knot-inevitable projections of planar graphs
| J. Knot Theory Ramifications
| (1996)
| 877-883
| with K.Taniyama
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| (papers with * are not refereed) | | | | |