

この度、欧州弁理士のDr. Jan B. Krauss、Dr. Jakob Valvodaの両氏をお招きし、EPOの最新動向について講演いただきます。





テーマ 欧州特許庁(EPO)の最新動向について
開催日 2023年6月23日(金)
開催時間 【開場・受付】17:15
場所 大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス(OIT梅田タワー)2階 セミナー室204
(大阪市北区茶屋町1-45) →交通アクセス

申込方法 本ページのフォームをご利用ください。
定員 50名(梅田キャンパス)、200名(オンライン)
申込締切 2023年6月22日(木)
参加料 無料


Valvoda弁理士からは、欧州特許条約とドイツ法の下におけるAI関連発明について、AIによる発明保護の問題のみならず、AIの知的財産実務への影響や特許実務における生成AI(Generative AI)の活用にも焦点を当てます。


講師近影 Dr. Jan Krauß
ヨーロッパ弁理士・ドイツ弁理士, SKM-IP

The specialties of Dr. Jan Krauß are the areas of Pharma & Life Sciences - in particular molecular biology, immunology, plant genetics, pharmaceuticals, nutrition and veterinary medicine.
For more than 25 years, he represents German and international clients, in particular innovative companies in the field of life sciences and pharmaceuticals, as well as research institutions and universities in all areas of intellectual property.

His special focus is on strategic IP planning, the generation of IP portfolios and the enforcement of intellectual property rights as well as on opposition and nullity proceedings.

Dr. Krauß studied biology at the Free University of Berlin and received his doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin on the topic of the genetic basis of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria.
After completing his patent attorney training in Berlin and Munich, he worked in the biotech group of a large US patent attorney's office in Frankfurt am Main.
He then was a partner at Boehmert & Boehmert in Munich for more than 20 years. Since January 2023, he is a founding partner of SKM-IP PartGmbB in Munich.

講師近影 Dr. Jakob Valvoda
ヨーロッパ弁理士・ドイツ弁理士, Boehmert & Boehmert

Jakob Valvoda has extensive experience with prosecution and opposition proceedings before German and international patent offices, and conducts appeal proceedings before the Bundespatentgericht (German Federal Patent Court) and the boards of appeal of the EPO.
Additionally, he is involved with patent infringement and nullity proceedings. He provides counsel on technical aspects of open source software and internet piracy related to copyright infringement.
Jakob Valvoda studied computer science at Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University in Germany and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).During his doctoral research in the virtual reality group at RWTH Aachen University, Jakob Valvoda conducted studies on interactive immersive media in medical applications and concluded his doctoral thesis on real time simulation of virtual human models in virtual environments.
Since 2008, he works for BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT and received his admission as a German patent attorney in 2011.


大阪工業大学 知的財産研究科 事務室

〒535-8585 大阪市旭区大宮5丁目16-1 1号館8階