Hisaaki SHINKAI Homepage
program: wh_dual
Wormhole evolution in dual-null coordinate
Hisaaki ShinkaiDescription, Related articles, and Download files
Osaka Institute of Technology
Updated : 2007/4/19
This code unvailed the dynamical nature of the wormhole for the first time. The model is the famous Morris-Thorne traversible wormhole which is expressed with a massless ghost Klein-Gordon scalar field.Using the dual-null coordinate systems, the evolutions show the wormhole is unstable; immediately collapse to black-hole if the normal pulse (positive energy) is injected, while the throat expands inflationary if the additional ghost pulse (negative energy) is injected. Therefore, the results show the possibility of the maintenance of the wormhole, and predict that future future future intelligence may maintain the wormhole systems for their special purposes.
The code was written by Hisaaki Shinkai with his collaboratin with Sean Hayward in 2000-2002 when he was a visiting researcher at Pennsylvania State University, USA and a special postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN Institute, Japan.
The program is written in Fortran90, and its runs finish in a couple of minutes with PC.
The article related to this program:
- Fate of the first traversible wormhole: black-hole collapse or inflationary expansion
with S.A. Hayward
Physical Review D 66 (2002) 044005 (9 pages)
[abstract] [pdf]
[gr-qc/0205041]; Refers to Cited by
Introduced in New Scientist Journal (UK)
Download files:
- (2002-April-30) whdual_020430.tar.Z which contains
Makefile integrate_grid.f readpar_whdual.f consistency.f interp_interface.f runge.f dualnull_wh.f interpolate.f runge_schR.f evolve_2to3.f makebk tools_whdual.f evolve_first_stag.f modules_whdual.f wh_input evolve_slice_stag.f openclosewrite.f wh_input_BHtrial evolve_slice_wholegrid.f physical_val.f wh_input_test initial.f printprogram.tex initialdata.f readme.html*The whole set was finally implemented on April 30, 2002. Several lines in Makefile was added on April 18, 2007.
How to enjoy:
- edit first lines in Makefile to choose your computer (IntelMac with IntelFortran, Linux with IntelFortran, etc).
- type 'make' or 'gmake' for compile.
- edit 'wh_input' for input parameters.
- type './exe' for run.
- enjoy your results.
- most output files are in xgraph format
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