近畿大学 理工学部 理学科 物理学コース(松居研究室)セミナー 2011.12.9-10Lecture by 真貝寿明 (Hisaaki Shinkai)
(Methods of Numerical Relativity)
Updated : 2011/12/12Lecture Plan and Download files
The Lecture page of APCTP Winter School 2008 "Formulation Problem in Numerical Relativity ", Click Here.
The Lecture page of APCTP Winter School 2003 "Introduction to Numerical Relativity", Click Here.
Chapter 1. (about 0.5 min)一般相対性理論の概略と主要な研究テーマ (Topics in GR)Chapter 2. 時間発展を考えるための時空の分解 (about 1.5 hr)
なぜ数値相対論? (Why Numerical Relativity?)
数値相対論の方法論概略 (Overview of Numerical Relativity Methodology)The ADM formulationChapter 3. 数値相対論の標準的手法 (about 2 hrs)
The Ashtekar formulation
高次元の場合(Higher-dimensional ADM formulation)どのように初期値を準備するかChapter 4. 数値相対論の定式化問題 (about 1.5 hrs)
OverviewChapter 5. 最近の研究トピック,これからのトピック (about 1 hr)
The standard way and the three other roads
A unified treatment: Adjusted Systems
Lecture Notes
(2011/12/12 updated)Viewgraphs (pdf)
(2011/12/12 updated)All in one Available as [pdf, 66 pages] (updated) [not available] Chapter 1 [pdf, 7 pages] [pdf, 9MB] Chapter 2 [pdf, 22 pages](updated) [pdf, 5MB] Chapter 3 [pdf, 14 pages] [pdf, 8MB] Chapter 4 [pdf, 21 pages] [pdf, 19MB] Chapter 5 [pdf, 2 pages](updated) [pdf, 32MB]
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