12月5日 | | | | |
| 10:00 | 松浦清 Kiyoshi Matsuura | ご挨拶 Greetings | |
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| 10:10--11:40 | 玉澤春史 (京都大学)
Harufumi Tamazawa | 【招待講演】天変地異の記録を用いた歴史科学技術社会論試論
岩橋清美,玉澤春史 「近世史料にみるオーロラと人々の認識 : 文理協働による研究の成果と課題」 「書物・出版と社会変容」研究会 (2020) | |
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出席者自己紹介&近況報告 お一人90秒程度 Self-introductions of participants (within a minute per person). | |
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| | Lunch Break | | |
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| 13:00--14:30 | 안상현 Sang-Hyeon Ahn (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) | 【Invited Talk, (remote)】The instruments developed during the reign period of King Sejong the great and its applications
概要:I introduce my recent researches on "the instruments developed during the reign period of King Sejong the great and its applications" to measure the positions of Mars in 1491. During the period of King Sejong (early half of the 15th century) there were developed 16 instruments including the positional astronomy, precise astronomical clocks, water clocks, sundials... Among them the small simplified armilla had been used by the court astronomers during the early half period of the Joseon dynasty. There is one good example of its use for measuring the equat. poistions of Mars during his retrograde motions around 1491 CE. I analyzed them to verify the geomagnetic fields of that time.
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出席者自己紹介&近況報告 お一人90秒程度,最後に集合写真 Self-introductions of participants (within 90 seconds per person), Group Photo in the end. | |
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| 15:00 | | 【ショートトーク or ディスカッション or 業務連絡】 【Short talks or Discussion or Other business】 | |
| | 岩橋清美 Kiyomi Iwahashi (国文学研究資料館) |
オーロラと近世社会 -- オーロラをめぐる人々の意識と記録のあり方 --(30分,会場)[slide pdf] | |
| | 北井礼三郎 Reizaburo Kitai (立命館大学) | 明治4年12月のオーロライベントの飛騨高山での記録(20分, remote)[slide pdf] | |
| | 陶山徹 Toru Suyama (長野市立博物館) | 長野県天文文化研究会の活動~長野県は宇宙県~ (15分, remote)
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| | 吉田薫 Kaoru Yoshida (東亜天文学会) | 調査報告「堺・正覚寺 須弥象碑、須弥山儀について」(10分, 会場) | |
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| 17:30 | | 終了 情報交換会へ | |
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