HI Lab

Tomoko Koda

Tomoko KodaTomoko koda Professor
Human Interface Laboratory
Graduate Schoool of Information Science and Technology
Department of Information Science and Technology
Osaka Institute of Technology

Address: 1-79-1 Kitayama, Hirakata-city, Osaka 573-0190 Japan
Office: Room 222, Building No.2

Personal URL: https://www.oit.ac.jp/is/~koda/hiserver01/profile-e.html
Lab URL: https://www.oit.ac.jp/is/~koda/hiserver01/(in Japanese)


  • 1996 M.Sc. in Media Arts and Sciences at the Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • 2006 Docter of Informatics at the Department of Social Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.

Work Experiences

  • Systems Engineer, IBM Japan
  • Research Assistant, MIT Media laboraty
  • Research Scientist, StarLab (Belgium)
  • Research Director, Hakuhodo Inc.
  • Founder and CTO, i-chara k.k.
  • Senior Vice President, Lycos Japan Inc.
  • Researcher, Universal Design of Digital City, Japan Science and Technology Agency
  • Specially Appointed Associate Professor,Graduate School of Management (Service Innovation), Kyoto University (concurrent position)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology
  • Professor, Department of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology (current)
  • Professor, Graduate Schoool of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology (current)

Areas of Interest

  • Character-mediated Communication
  • Virtual characters and avatars
  • Intercultural Collaboration

Current Research Projects

  • Non-verbal Behaviors of Agents and Robots Applicable to Multicultural Symbiotic Societies (funded by 2020-2022 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (20K11926) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS))
  • Non-verbal Behaviors of Agents and Robots that Contribute to Multicultural Symbiotic Societies (funded by 2017-2019 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (17K00287) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS))
  • Non-verbal Behaviors of IVAs that Contribute to Multicultural Symbiotic Societies (funded by 2014-2016 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (26330236) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS))
  • Non-verbal Behaviors of IVAs for Multicultural Symbiotic Societies (funded by 2011-2013 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (23500266) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS))

Past Research Projects

Accquired Research Grants

  • 2006-2007 Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up: 18800063) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) "Multi-cultural Comparison of Perception of Avatar's Facial Expressions"
  • 2008-2010 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (20500196) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) "Multi-cultural Comparison of Perception of Avatar's Facial Expressions and Non-verbal Behaviors""
  • 2011-2013 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (23500266) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) "Non-verbal Behaviors of IVAs for Multicultural Symbiotic Societies"
  • 2014-2016 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (26330236) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) "Non-verbal Behaviors of IVAs that Contribute to Multicultural Symbiotic Societies"
  • 2017-2019 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (17K00287) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) "Non-verbal Behaviors of Agents and Robots that Contribute to Multicultural Symbiotic Societies"
  • 2020-2022 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (20K11926) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) "Non-verbal Behaviors of Agents and Robots Applicable to Multicultural Symbiotic Societies"

Selected Publications


  • Doctorial Thesis "Analysis of the Effects of Lifelike Characters on Computer-mediated Communication." (pdf)
    March, 2006. Supervisor: Professor Toru Ishida, Kyoto University
  • Master's thesis "Agents with Faces: The Effects of Personification of Agents." (zipped pdf)
    August, 1996. Supervisor: Professor Pattie Maes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • Natsuki Oka and Tomoko Koda (Eds.) HAI '19: 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Kyoto Japan, October, 2019. ACM. ISBN:978-1-4503-6922-0.

Book Chapter

  • Tomoko Koda, Takuto Ishioh, Takafumi Watanabe, and Yoshihiko Kubo. Perception of Masculinity and Femininity of Agent's Appearance and Self-adaptors. In: J. van den Herik and J. Filipe (Eds.) Agents and Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 10162, pp. 3-18, Springer, 2017/02. (DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-53354-4_1)
  • Matthias Rehm, Yukiko Nakano, Tomoko Koda, and Heike Winschiers-Theophilus. Culturally Aware Agent Communications. In: Marielba Zacharias, Jose Valente de Oliveira (eds): Human-Computer Interaction: The Agency Perspective. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 396, pp. 411-436, Springer, 2012.

Journal Papers

  • Tomoko Koda and Zsofia Ruttkay. Eloquence of Eyes and Mouth of Virtual Agents: Cultural Study of Facial Expression Perception. Journal of AI & SOCIETY, Vol.32 (1), pp.17-24, 2017/02. (First Online: 2014/10/19) (DOI: 10.1007/s00146-014-0571-6)
  • Hayamizu, T., Sano, M., Mukai, K., Koda, T., Miyawaki, K., Sasama R., Yamaguchi T., and Yamada, K. A Synchrony Control Method based on Switching pauses and Prosodic Information in Conversation and Implementation of a Conversational Agent for Gathering Information. Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.54, No.8, pp.2109-2118, 2013/8. (in Japanese)
  • Tomoko Koda, Toru Ishida, Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth Andre. Avatar culture: cross-cultural evaluations of avatar facial expressions. Journal of AI & Society, Vol.24, No.3, Springer London, pp.237-250, 2009. (DOI: 10.1007/s00146-009-0214-5)
  • Cho Heeryon,Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, Rieko Inaba, Toshiyuki Takasaki, Tomoko Koda. Human Judgment of Cultural Differences in Pictogram Interpretations. Journal of Human Interface Society, Vol.10, No.4, pp.427-434, 2008/11. (in Japanese)
  • Tomoko Koda. Cross-cultural study of avatars' facial expressions and design considerations within Asian countries. In:Ishida, T., Fussell, S.R., Vossen, P.T.J.M. (eds.): Intercultural Collaboration I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp.207-220, 2007. (pdf)
  • Cho, H., Ishida, T., Yamashita, N., Inaba, R., Mori, Y., Koda,T.Culturally-Situated Pictogram Retrieval. In:Ishida, T., Fussell, S.R., Vossen, P.T.J.M. (eds.): Intercultural Collaboration I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp. 221-235, 2007.(pdf)
  • Tomoko Koda and Toru Ishida. Cross-cultural Comaprison of Interpretation of Avatar's Facial Expressions. Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 731-738, 2006/3.(in Japanese)(pdf)
  • TomokoKoda. Development and Analysis of an Emotionally Expressive Communicaion Tool "Petaro". Journal of Human Interface Society, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 101-108, 2006/2. (in Japanese)(pdf)
  • Tomoko Koda, Satoshi Nakazawa and Toru Ishida. Talking Digital Cities: Connecting Heterogeneous Digital Cities via the Universal Mobile Interface. In:Peter van den Besselaar and Satoshi Koizumi (eds.): Digital Cities III, Information Technologies for Social Capital: a Cross-Cultural Perspective, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3081, pp.219-233, 2005.(pdf)
  • Tomoko Koda. User Reactions to Anthropomorphized Interfaces. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E86-D, NO.8, pp.1369-1377, 2003/5.(pdf)

Refereed International Conferences and Workshops

  • Tomoko Koda, Kota Yamauchi, Nao Takeuchi and Miho Hotta. Analysis of the Continuous Effects of Assertive Feedback from a Job Interview Training Agent. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2025) - Volume 1, ISBN 978-989-758-737-5, ISSN 2184-433X, pages 531-536, 2025/2.
  • Tomoko Koda, Kota Yamauchi, Nao Takeuchi, and Miho Hotta. Emotional Assessement of Assertive Feedback from a Job Interview Training Agent. International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE'24), 2024/07.
  • Tomoko Koda, Nao Takeuchi, and Miho Hotta. Analysis of the Effects of Assertive Feedback from a Job Interview Training Agent. HAI '23: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, December 2023, Pages 384-386. https://doi.org/10.1145/3623809.3623933
  • Tomoko Koda, Saori Tsuji and Miki Takase. Measuring Subconscious Gender Biases against Male and Female Virtual Agents in Japan. HAI'22: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, pp.275-277, 2022/12. https://doi.org/10.1145/3527188.3563909. [Best Poster Award]
  • Masaki Hayashi, Nao Takeuchi, and Tomoko Koda. Seamless Entertainment in Virtual Museum - Wanna Play a Shooting Game in an Authentic Museum Space? -, IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2022), pp.573-574, 2022/10.https://doi.org/10.1109/gcce56475.2022.10014032
  • Nao Takeuchi, Tomoko Koda.Impression of a Job Interview training agent that gives rationalized feedback: -Should Virtual Agent Give Advice with Rationale?-, ACM Multimedia Asia, 2021/12.pp.1-5. DOI: 10.1145/3469877.3493598
  • Nao Takeuchi, Tomoko Koda.Initial Assessment of Job Interview Training System using Multimodal Behavior Analysis. 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2021), 2021/11. pp.407-411. DOI: 10.1145/3472307.3484688
  • Nao Takeuchi, Tomoko Koda..Job Interview Training System using Multimodal Behavior Analysis. 9th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACIIW), 2021/10. pp.1-3. DOI: 10.1109/ACIIW52867.2021.9666270. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBg2BZsFMnQ
  • Kazuhiro Horie and Tomoko Koda. 2020. Development and Evaluation of Agent's Adaptive Gaze Behaviors. In Proceedings of Human-agent Interaction 2020 (HAI'20), November 10-13, 2020, Australia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3406499.3418758.
  • Tomoko Koda, Kazuhiro Ikeda. 2020. Influence of Anxiety toward Robots on the Appearance Tendency of Uncanny Valley. In n Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2020 Companion), pp. 305-307. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2020/03. DOI: 10.1145/3371382.3378281
  • Koda, T. and Kikuzawa, K. (2020). Effects of Agents' Embodiment and Robot Anxiety Scale on Social Priming. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-758-395-7, pages 266-271. DOI: 10.5220/0009144202660271, 2020/02
  • Koda T. and Oguri R. (2019). Analysis of the Effects of Appearances of Avatars on User's Self-evaluation of Extroversion.In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-758-350-6, pages 232-237. DOI: 10.5220/0007483502320237. 2019/02
  • Tomoko Koda and Yuuki Takeda. 2018. Perception of Culture-specific Gaze Behaviors of Agents and Gender Effects. In Procs of Human-agent Interaction 2018 (HAI'18), December 15-18, 2018, Southampton, UK. ACM, New York, NY, USA, https://doi.org/10.1145/3284432.3284472
  • Tomoko Koda and Ryosuke Oguri.Proteus Effect: Does Appearance of Self Avatar and Accompanying Avatar Affect User's Self-evaluation of Extraversion? In Workshop on Agents and Models in Serious Games for Change and Social Good, in IVA2018, November 5, 2018, Sydney, Australia.
  • Tomoko Koda and Takuto Ishioh. 2018. Analysis of the Effect of Agent's Embodiment and Gaze Amount on Personality Perception. In International Workshop on Multimodal Analyses Enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine Interaction (MA3HMI'18), ICMI2018, October 16, 2018, Boulder, CO, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, https://doi.org/10.1145/3279972.3279973
  • Tomoko Koda, Takuto Ishioh, and Taku Hirano. Shyness Level and Sensitivity to Gaze from Agents and Robots. The body of embodiment: Understanding Embodiment in human-agent interaction Workshop, in HAI2017, 2017/10.
  • Koda, T., Hirano, T., and Ishioh, T. Development and Perception Evaluation of Culture-specific Gaze Behaviors of Virtual Agents. In: J. Beskow et al. (Eds.): IVA 2017, LNAI 10498, Springer, pp. 213-222, 2017/08. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-67401-8_25.
  • Tomoko Koda, Taku Hirano, Takuto Ishioh. Development of Culture-specific Gaze Behaviours of Virtual Agents. in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2017), Vol.1, pp.291-295, 2017/02.
  • Takuto Ishioh and Tomoko Koda. Cross-cultural Study of Perception and Acceptance of Japanese Self-adaptors. 4th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2016), 2016/10.
  • Tomoko Koda, Masaki Ogura, and Yu Matsui. Shyness Level and Sensitivity to Gaze from Agents ? Are Shy People Sensitive to Agent's Gaze? Sixteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2016), pp. 359-363, 2016/09. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47665-0_33.
  • Tomoko Koda, Yuri Tatsuta, Chisato Tada. Importance of Consistency of Robot's Animacy Level of Appearances and Behaviors for Higher Tolerance for Malfunctions. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2016), pp.397-398, 2016/08.
  • T. Koda., Y. Nishimura, and T. Nishijima. How Robot's Animacy Affects Human Tolerance for their Malfunctions? In Proc. of The Eleventh ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI'16), IEEE Press, 2016, pp. 455-456
  • T. Koda, T. Ishioh, T. Watanabe, Y. Kubo. Analysis of Gender-specific Self-adaptors and Their Effects on Agent's Impressions, in Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2016), Vol 1, pp. 19-26, 2016/02. DOI: 10.5220/0005660800190026 (Best paper nominee)
  • Tomoko Koda and Takaaki Nishimura. Adaptive Behavior of Personal Distance in Face to Face Interaction with an Avatar. The 7th Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction (Gaze-in 2014) in ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014), 2014/11.
  • Tomoko Koda, Yuko Mori. Effects of an agent's displaying self-adaptors during a serious conversation. In: T. Bickmore et al. (Eds.): Intelligent Virtaul Agents 2014 (IVA2014), LNAI 8637, pp. 240-249, Springer-Verlag, 2014/8.
  • Tomoko Koda and Hiroshi Higashino. Importance of Considering User's Social Skills in Human-agent Interactions - Is Performing Self-adaptors Appropriate for Virtual Agents?. In Proc of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artifcial Intelligence (ICAART2014), pp. 115-122, DOI: 10.5220/0004751801150122. 2014/03.
  • Tomoko Koda and Hiroshi Higashino. Effects of Users' Social Skill on Evaluations of a Virtual Agent That Exhibits Self-adaptors. Intelligent Virtual Agents(IVA2013), 2013/08.
  • Tomoko Koda and Hiroshi Higashino. Pros and Cons of Displaying Self-Adaptors: Importance of Considering Users' Social Skills. Workshop on Cultural Characters in games and learning (CCGL2013), 2013/08.
  • Tomoko Koda, Takaaki Nishimura, Naoya Akashi, Mamoru Handa. Adaptation Behavior of Personal Distance with a Virtual Avatar. International Workshop on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI-2012), 2012/10.
  • Tomoko Koda, Haruka Kishi, Takanori Hamamoto and Yota Suzuki. Cultural Study on Speech Duration and Perception of Virtual Agent's Nodding. Intelligent Virtual Agents(IVA2012). 2012/09.
  • Tomoko Koda, Zsofia Ruttkay. Eloquence of Eyes and Mouth of Virtual Agents: Cultural Study of Facial Expression Perception. Workshop on Culturally Motivated Cultural Characters (CMVC2011), 2011/09.
  • Tomoko Koda, Zsofia Ruttkay, Tomoharu Sano. From Cartoons to Robots Part 2: Facial Regions as Cues to Recognize Emotions. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2011), 2011/03.
  • Koda, T., Ruttkay, Z., Nakagawa, Y., Tabuchi. K. Cross-cultural Study on Facial Regions as Cues to Recognize Emotions of Virtual Agents. Culture and Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6259, pp.16-27, Springer-verlag, 2010/11.
  • Tanaka, S., Nakakubo A., Kimura, M., Takeda, K., Koda, T., Development of a multilingual translation service for pictogram usage, Culture and Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol. 6259, pp.113-126, Springer-verlag, 2010/11.
  • Tomoko Koda,Zsofia Ruttkay.Cultural Differences on Facial Regions Used as Cues to Recognize Emotions of Animated Virtual Agents. Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA2010).
  • Tomoko Koda, Zsofia Ruttkay, Yuka Nakagawa, Kyota Tabuchi. From Cartoons to Robots: Facial Regions as Cues to Recognize Emotions. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2010), 2010/3.
  • Tomoko Koda, Zsofia Ruttkay. Cultural Differences in Using Facial Parts as Cues to Recognize Emotions in Avatars. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA2009), 2009/9.
  • Heeryon Cho, Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, Tomoko Koda, Toshiyuki Takasaki.Human Detection of Cultural Differences in Pictogram Interpretations.ACM International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC 2009), 2009.
  • Tomoko Koda, Matthias Rehm, and Elisabeth Andre. Cross-cultural Evaluations of avatar facial expressions designed by Western and Japanese Designers. In:H. Prendinger, J. Lester, and M. Ishizuka (Eds.): Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2008), LNAI 5208, Springer-Verlag, pp.245-252, 2008.
  • Tomoko Koda. Cross-cultural evaluations of avatar facial expressions. Enculturating Conversational Interfaces by Socio-cultural Aspects of Communication, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI2008), 2008.
  • Tomoko Koda. Cross-cultural study of avatars' facial expressions and design considerations within Asian countries. In:Ishida, T., Fussell, S.R., Vossen, P.T.J.M. (eds.): Intercultural Collaboration I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4568, pp.207-220, Springer-Verlag, 2007/11. (pdf)
  • Cho, H., Ishida, T., Yamashita, N., Inaba, R., Mori, Y., Koda,T.Culturally-Situated Pictogram Retrieval. In:Ishida, T., Fussell, S.R., Vossen, P.T.J.M. (eds.): Intercultural Collaboration I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol. 4569, pp. 221-235, Springer-Verlag, 2007/11.(pdf)
  • Tomoko Koda, Toru Ishida. Cross-cultural study of avatar expression interpretation. International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2006), pp. 130-136, 2006/1.(pdf)
  • Tomoko Koda. Interpretation of Expressive Characters in an Intercultural Communication, Negoita, M. G., Howlett, R., Jain, L.C. Eds. Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (8th International Conference, KES2004), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3214, Part II, pp.862-868, 2004.(pdf)
  • Tomoko Koda, Satoshi Nakazawa and Toru Ishida. Talking Digital Cities: Connecting Heterogeneous Digital Cities via the Universal Mobile Interface. Digitalcity International Workshop, International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 2003.
  • Tomoko Koda. Consumer Communication on the Net-Findings from consumer interviews. Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies (KES2000), vol.1, pp.68-71, 2000/8.
  • Hidekazu Kubota, Toyoaki Nishida and Tomoko Koda. Exchanging tacit community knowledge by talking-virtualized-egos. Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents, pp.285-292, 2000/6.
  • Tomoko Koda and Pattie Maes. Agents with Faces: The Effects of Personification of Agents. Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp.189-194, 1996/11.
  • Tomoko Koda and Pattie Maes. Agents with Faces: The Effects of Personification of Agents. Human-Computer Interaction '96, pp.98-103, 1996/8

Non-refereed International Conferences and Workshops

  • Tomoko Koda. Dagstuhl Seminar 14131:Computational Models of Cultural Behavior for Human-Agent Interaction, 2014/3.
  • Zofia Ruttkay, Tomoko Koda. Cultural differences in perception of facial expressions. 3rd COST International Training School, 2010/3.
  • Tomoko Koda, Zsofia Ruttkay, Yuka Nakagawa, Kyota Tabuchi. Cross-cultural Study on Facial Regions as Cues to Recognize Emotions of Virtual Agents. International Workshop on Agents in Cultural Context,2010/2.
  • Tomoko Koda. Reports of the Effects of an Emotionally Expressive Interface for Intercultural Communication. Asia Broadband Workshop on Digital City Collaboration, Beijing, 2004.
  • Tomoko Koda. Expressive Communication on the Desktop: Let's Petaro! Lifelike Computer Characters 98, Snowbird, 1998.
  • Tomoko Koda and Pattie Maes. Agents with Faces. Lifelike Computer Characters 96, Snowbird, 1996.
  • Tomoko Koda. Exploring a Virtual Aquarium with a Multi-modal Interface. Lifelike Computer Characters 95, Snowbird, 1995.


  • Notification Information Display Apparatus Notification Information Display System and Recording Medium (US Patent No.6678866B1. July, 1999

Academic Awards

  • 1994-6 Fullbright Scholarship
  • 2005.6 JSAI SIG Research Award
  • 2020.6 JSAI Distinguished Service Award
  • 2022.5 ACM Recognition of Serive Award (General Co-chair IVA'21)
  • 2022.12 Best Poster Award. HAI'22: International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.

Scientific Activities


  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
  • Director, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) 2015-2017 Director
  • The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
  • Japanese Academy of Facial Studies (JFACE)
  • Councilor, Human Interface Society
  • SIG Intercultural Collaboration, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
  • SIG Grahical Communication, Language Grid Association

Events Organized

Director, Chair, PC member/reviewer

  • 2007-current Program Committee, Human-Agent Interaction Symposium
  • 2008 Program Committee, Enculturating Conversational Interfaces by Socio-cultural Aspects of Communication Workshop in International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)
  • 2008 Program Committee, IADIS International Conference IHCI2008
  • 2008 Reviewer, International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM)
  • 2009 Reviewer, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  • 2009-current Program Committee, Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA)
  • 2009-current GALA Committee, Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA)
  • 2009 Program Committee, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)
  • 2010 Program Committee, The First International Conference on Culture and Computing
  • 2010 Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
  • 2010 Reviwer, Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI)
  • 2011 Reviewer, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
  • 2011 Reviewer, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces
  • 2011 Program Committee, Workshop on Culturally Motivated Cultural Characters (CMVC2011), 2010/9.
  • 2012 Reviewer, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  • 2012-current Program Committee, AAU Workshop on robotics
  • 2013 Reviewer, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces
  • 2013 Program Committee, Workshop on Cultural Characters In Games And Learning (CCGL 2013)in IVA2013
  • 2014 Program Committee, International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI2014)
  • 2014 Reviewer, Workshop on Models of Culture for Intelligent Virtual Agents in IVA2014
  • 2015 Program Committee, International Conference on Culture and Computing 2015
  • 2015 Program Committee, International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI2015)
  • 2015 Workshop Chair, International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA2015)
  • 2016 Program Committee, International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (iHAI2016)
  • 2016 Program Committee, Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI2017)
  • 2016 Program Committee, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2017)
  • 2017-2018 Program Committee, AAMAS2018 Socially Interactive Agents Track
  • 2015-2017 Director, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
  • 2017-2020 Councilor, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
  • 2016-current Councilor, Human Interface Society
  • 2018-2019 General Co-Chair, International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction 2019 (HAI2019)
  • 2020-2021 General Co-chair, International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA2021)(ACM Recognition of Service Certificate)
  • 2020-2022 Vice Chair, IEICE SIG Human Communication Science (HCS)
  • 2022-2024 Chair, IEICE SIG Human Communication Science (HCS)


  • Communicating with Virtual Agents - Does Culture Matter?, Tech-Tea talk at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary. March, 2010.
  • Cross-cultural study of avatar expression interpretation, Colloquium of J.F. Schouten School for User-System Interaction Research, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. March, 2007.
  • Lessons learned from starting up venture businesses with agent technologies in Japan, The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) 22nd meeting. July, 2001.
