Shaping practical media design education for
creating innovative multimedia data applications

Focusing on the three core areas of media interaction design, web media design, and media systems design, the Department of Media Science aims to deepen our understanding of how people experience and use multimedia. Using hands-on methods, students learn how to build and use information systems that process graphics, images, sounds, and other multimedia data.
Creating new media to make our lifestyles more affluent and convenient

As students learn about information science, they produce stress-free systems and easy-to-use designs based on human-oriented approaches. The department also acts in cooperation with local communities by, for example, launching a communication site through collaboration with local government.
Virtual Reality Laboratory: Studying multimedia
with state-of-the-art equipment & facilities

Our Digital Archive Center and Virtual Reality Laboratory which feature state-of-the-art equipment and facilities are among the best in Japan. By tapping into the latest technology, we enable students to pursue a number of unique multimedia programs.
Through these learning opportunities, we aim to develop a new generation of engineers in various media fields, such as multimedia information appliances and video distribution services, and engineers and designers in cultural media fields such as broadcasting, publishing, and information services.