2023.9.4~7 Mr. Morikawa and Ms. Stephanie made oral presentations at ICAMechS2024(Shiga, Japan).
2024.7.18 Prof. Vassilis Cutsuridis (University of Lincoln, UK) visited Jiang Lab.
2023.9.4~7 Mr. Kadokawa made an oral presentation at ICAMechS2023(Melbourne, Australia).
2023.8.28~9.8 2023 Open Lab (for 3rd year OIT R students)
2023.7.1 Mr. Takada made an oral presentation at Technical Meeting on Control, IEE Japan.
2023.2.4 Mr. Kadokawa made an oral presentation at Smart System and Control Technology Symposium 2023
2022.9.12~16 2022 Open Lab (for 3rd year OIT R students)
2022.1.10 Mr. Obura made an online oral presentation at Smart System and Control Technology Symposium 2022
2021.12.11 Mr. Kadokawa won the "Best Student Paper Award" at the international conference ICAMechS2021
2021.9.13~17 2021 Open Lab (for 3rd year OIT R students)
2021.9.10 Homepage released