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Hisa-aki SHINKAI
Professor, Osaka Inst. Tech. (2012-)
Lecturer, Mukogawa Womans Univ. (2012-)
Visiting Researcher, RIKEN (2004-)
Chair of the board of KAGRA Science Congress (2017-2021)
Member of Gravitational Wave International Committee(2020-2021)
Doctor of Science (1995)
E-mail: Address: Dept. of Information Science Osaka Institute of Technology Kitayama 1-79-1, Hirakata Osaka 573-0196, Japan Phone: +81-72-866-5393 (dial in) Fax: +81-72-866-8380 (Dept.) URL: https://www.oit.ac.jp/is/shinkai/indexE.html URL: http://www.einstein1905.info/ ![]()
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Selected News
My current Email address is
- A new article,
"Test of general relativity by a pair of transportable optical lattice clocks", M. Takamoto, I. Ushijima, N. Ohmae, T. Yahagi, K. Kokado, H. Shinkai, and H. Katori, Nature Photonics, April 2020 doi.org/10.1038/s41566-020-0619-8
- Translation of the
Problem Book in Relativity ang Gravitation , by A. P. Lightman, W. H. Press, R. H. Price, and S. A. Teukolsky. Co-translated with T. Torii. Morikita Publishing Co. ISBN: 978-4-627-15641-8, November 2019.
- KAGRA collaboration, First cryogenic test operation of underground km-scale gravitational-wave observatory KAGRA, Class. Quant. Grav. 36 (2019) 165008 [arXiv:1901.03569] , [pdf]
- H. Nakano et al., Comparison of various methods to extract ringdown frequency from gravitational wave data, Phys. Rev. D. 99 (2019) 124032, [arXiv:1811.06443] [pdf]
- T. Ebisuzaki et al, INO: Interplanetary Network of Optical Lattice Clocks, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D. 28 (2019) 1940002 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218271819400029, [pdf]
- KAGRA collaboration, KAGRA: 2.5 generation interferometric gravitational wave detector, Nature Astronomy, 3 (2019) 35. [arXiv:1811.08079] , [pdf]
- A textbook for students and generals, Frontiers of Physics: Relativity, Quantum Theory, and Cosmology (H.Shinkai, Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2018; ISBN 978-4320036055)
- H. Shinkai, T. Torii, Nonlinear dynamics in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 044009
- H. Shinkai, N. Kanda, and T. Ebisuzaki, Gravitational wave from merging intermediate-mass black holes: II Event rate at ground-based detectors, Astrophysical Journal 835 (2017) 276
- A book translation, How to build a Universe (by B. Gilliland, co-translated with T. Torii, Maruzen Publishing Co., 2016; ISBN 978-4621300503)
- A textbook for students and generals, Physics answers to "why?" in your daily life (H.Shinkai, Morikita Publishing Co., 2015; ISBN 978-4-627-15611-1) will be published.
- A book for generals, Black-Holes, Expanding Universe, and Gravitational Waves --- One hundred years of general relativity --- (H.Shinkai, Kobunsha Publishing Co., 2015; ISBN 978-4-334-03877-8) was published.
- A textbook, Calculus with Applications: A Structured Approach, Second edition (Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2013; ISBN978-4-320-11060-1) was published.
- The article, "Wormholes in higher dimensional space-time: Exact solutions and their linear stability analysis" (T. Torii and HS) was published as Physical Review D 88, 064027 (2013) (6 pages).
- A textbook, Probability and Statistics with Applications: A Structured Approach (Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2012; ISBN978-4-320-01879-2) was published.
- The article, "Constraint Propagation of C^2-adjusted formulation II -- BSSN " (T. Tsuchiya, G. Yoneda and HS) was published as Phys. Rev. D 85, 044018 (2012).
- The article, "Constraint Propagation of C^2-adjusted formulation -- ADM " (T. Tsuchiya, G. Yoneda and HS) was published as Phys. Rev. D. 83, 064032 (2011) [10pages].
- The article, "Formation of Naked Singularities in Five-dimensional Space-time" (Y. Yamada and HS) was published as Phys. Rev. D. 83, 064006 (2011) [5 pages]
- A popular book, "Time Machine and Science of Space-time" (Natsume Publishing Co., 2011; ISBN: 978-4-8163-5025-2) was published.
- A textbook, Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications: A Structured Approach (Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2010; ISBN978-4-320-01879-2) was published.
- The article, "Black Objects and Hoop Conjecture in Five-dimensional Space-time" (Y. Yamada and HS) [arXiv:0907.2570] was published in Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (2010) 045012 (15pages) ([pdf])
- The article, "Formulations of the Einstein equations for numerical simulations" (HS) [arXiv:0805.0068] was published in Journal of Korean Physical Society 54 (2009) 2513-2528
- A textbook, Calculus with Applications: A Structured Approach (Kyoritsu Publishing Co., 2009; ISBN978-4-320-01879-2) was published.
- The article, "N+1 Formulations in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity" (T. Torii and HS) (pdf) arXiv:0810.1790; Physical Review D 78, 084037 (2008) (13 pages)
- January 24-26, 2008, I gave a 2-hour lecture at APCTP Winter School on Black Hole Astrophysics 2008 (Daejeon, Korea). Lecture Notes
- My name appears in the best-seller book by Lisa Randall, Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions, (Perennial, 2006) [amazon.co.jp], in the footnote in Section 22.
- I moved to Osaka Institute of Technology, and opened a new Astrphysics group. (2006/4)
My links to the World ...or... My GR Link page .
As a Researcher
I am interested in physics under strong gravity, described by general relativity. My research targets are from black-holes to the early Universe, particularly with its nonlinear natures which are studied by numerical simulations. Most of my works are related to "numerical relativity", including both actual simulations and fundamental formulations oriented to numerical applications.
Brief Biography
1966/11 Born in Tokyo, Japan. 1990/3 B. Sci. Thesis, Dept. Physics, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) 1992/3 M. Sci. Thesis, Dept. Physics, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) 1995/3 D. Sci. Thesis, Dept. Physics, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) supervisor: Prof. Kei-ichi Maeda, referee: Profs. Katsuhiko Sato, Ichiro Ooba, Tsuneaki Daishido and Katsumi Yamada. 1994/04 - 1996/10 Assistant Professor, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan) 1996/11 - 1999/07 Research Associate at General Relativity group, Physics Department, Washington University (St.Louis, U.S.A.) 1999/08 - 2001/03 JSPS Research Fellow Abroad Visiting Researcher at Centre for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, Department of Physics, at The Pennsylvania State University (State College, U.S.A.) 2001/04 - 2003/12 Special Postdoctoral Researcher at The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) (Wako, Japan) 2004/01 - 2006/01 Senior scientist at The Inamori Foundation (Kyoto, Japan) 2004/01 - Visiting Researcher, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) (Wako, Japan) 2006/04 - 2012/03 Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology (Hirakata, Japan) 2012/04 - Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology (Hirakata, Japan) 2012/04 - Part-time Lecturer, Mukogawa Womans University (Mukogawa, Japan) 2013/04 - 2017/03 Director, International Center, Osaka Institute of Technology (Osaka, Japan)
A member of The Physical Society of Japan The Astronomical Society of Japan The American Physical Society (USA) Institute of Physics (UK) International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation International Astronomical Union | 16958 American Association of Physics Teachers Rironkon (Japanese Theoretical Astrophysicists) Soryushiron Group (Japanese Particle Physicists) Japanese Society for Education and Popularization of Astronomy The History of Science Society of Japan The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, JSIAM
Chair of the board, KAGRA Scientific Congress 2017--Referee of JSPS researchers 2012--2014, 2015--2017
An editorial board of "New book reviews" in "Butsuri" Journal (The Physical Society of Japan) 2001-2003.
Curriculum Vitae Publications
Research Summary
- Publication List [html], [pdf 21 pages]
- Abstracts; links of my papers
- find author=shinkai at SLAC HEP Spires
- find author=shinkai at LANL gr-qc preprints archive
- find hisaaki shinkai at Google Scholar
Recent Presentations
My attendances of the conferences can be checked in my GR conf-list, of which are highlighted in red.
- See the bottom of the top page for the recent activities.
- Lecture: Numerical Relativity
2003/01, APCTP Winter School (Seoul, Korea) [Lecture notes and viewgraphs]
2008/01, APCTP Winter School (Daejeon, Korea) [Lecture notes and viewgraphs]
- Invited Review Talks: Recent developments on formulations of Einstein equations for numerical relativity
2002/02, Japan Graviational Wave workshop (YITP, Kyoto, Japan)
2002/05, Formulations of Einstein's equations for Numerical Relativity (UNAM, Mexico)
2002/11, The 12th JGRG workshop (Tokyo U., Japan) [slide pdf 1.8M] [proceedings pdf 800K]
2003/07, The 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Sydney, Australia) [slide pdf 3.7M]
- N + 1 formalism in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
- Numerical Experiments of Adjusted BSSN systems
[presented by K. Kiuchi]
- Numerical Experiments of Adjusted ADM systems
- DECIGO satellite project
2003/05, Japan Physical Society meeting (Miyazaki, Japan) [presented by S. Kawamura]
- Gravitational Radiation from merging intermediate-mass black-holes
2003/05, DECIGO meeting (NAO, Japan) [slide pdf 2.0M Japanese]
2003/09, Japan Astronomical Society meeting (Ehime, Japan) [slide pdf 6.5M][presented by T. Matsubayashi]
2003/10, Stellar-mass, Intermediate-mass, and Supermassive black-holes (Kyoto, Japan) [poster]
- "Adjusted systems" -- reports of numerical experiments
2002/12, The 15th Rironkon symposium (NAO, Tokyo, Japan) [poster pdf 1.1M Japanese]
2003/01, Gravitational Wave Physics workshop(YITP, Kyoto, Japan) [poster pdf 1.1M Japanese]
2003/03, Japan Physical Society 58th spring meeting (Tohoku U., Sendai, Japan)
2003/06, Gravitation: A Decennial Perspective (PennState, USA) [slide pdf 2.1M]
2003/12, 2nd Mexico Workshop on Formulations of the Einstein Equations for Numerical Relativity (UNAM, Mexico) [slide pdf 2.0M]
- "Adjusted systems" -- improved ADM/BSSN systems
2002/07, Seminar at Albert Einstein Institute (Golm, Germany)
2002/07, International Conference on Theoretical Physics (Paris, France) [proceedings pdf 800K]
2002/09, Japan Physical Society 57th fall meeting (Tokyo, Japan)
2002/10, Seminar at California Institute of Techinology (USA) [slide pdf 1.5M]
- Stability of Wormholes
2002/01, Spacetime Singularity and its around (Osaka City U., Japan)
2002/09, Japan Physical Society 57th fall meeting (Rikkyo U., Tokyo, Japan) [slide pdf 800K]
- "Adjusted system" -- adding constraints in RHS
2001/03, Japan Physical Society 56th spring meeting[presented by G Yoneda] (Chuo U., Tokyo, Japan)
2001/07, GR16 (Durban, South Africa)
2001/07, Workshop on Numerical Relativity 2001 (South Africa)
2001/12, The 14th Rironkon symposium (Osaka U., Japan) [poster (Japanese)] [proceeding (Japanese)]
2002/01, The 11th Japan General Relativity and Gravity (Waseda U., Tokyo, Japan) [proceeding]
2002/03, Japan Physical Society 57th spring meeting (Ritsumeikan U., Shiga, Japan)
- Quasi-spherical approximation for rotating black holes
2000/10, Workshop on Astrophysical Sources for Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors (Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, US)
2001/03, Japan Physical Society 56th spring meeting (Chuo U., Tokyo, Japan)
2001/05, seminar at Tokyo Indust. Univ. (Tokyo, Japan)
2001/06, seminar at Tokyo Univ. (Tokyo, Japan)
2001/07, GR16 (Durban, South Africa)
2001/10, seminar at Ewha Womans Univ. (Seoul, Korea)
- Hyperbolic Formulations vs. Numerical Relativity: Experiments using the connection variables
2000/03, PennState CGPG Seminar ,
2000/04, The 4th Eastern Gravity Meeting (Duquesne, Pittsburgh, US)
2000/07, The 9th Marcell Grossmann (Rome, Italy) [proceedings online]
2000/09, The 10th Japan General Relativity and Gravity (Osaka U., Japan)
- Towards an Application of New Connection Variables to Numerical Relativity
1999/10, PennState CGPG Seminar- Hyperbolic systems in the Ashtekar formulation -- asymptotically constrained and real-valued system as its application
1999/06, Physics of Strong Gravitational Fields (ITP, UCSB, US)- Post-Newtonian initial data formulation for Neutron Star Grand Challenge Project
1999/03, APS cenntenial meeting at Atlanta
1999/06, Initial data for binary black holes (AEI, Potsdam, Germany)
1999/07, Black Holes and Gravitational Waves (YITP, Kyoto, Japan)
Review Notes
- Reviews
- Lecture "Introduction to numerical relativity" (2003/1) [Lecture Note/Viewgraphs]
- Formulation problem in numerical relativity (2002/11) [pdf 50 pages].
- Recent references on hyperbolic formulations of the Einstein equations (2002/6) [pdf 7 pages]
- Initial Data for Neutron Star Binary (99/2) [ps 21 pages]
- Newman-Penrose formulation and related topics (96/11) [ps 5pages]
- On my articles
- Dual-null quasi-spherical approximation (2003/4) [pdf 10 pages]
- From ADM to Newman-Penrose (2003/4) [pdf 3 pages]
Codes in Public domain
- ash1d: General Relativistic Initial data and evolutions, in vacuum and plane-symmetric spacetime, using ADM and/or Ashtekar variables. The code was developed in 1999-2000.
- wh_dual: General Relativistic wormhole evolutions, in dual-null coordinate system. The code was developed in 2000-2002.
The followings were developed when I was at WashU. Codes are for Cactus of version 3.20. I am not maintaining these codes now.
- cactus thorn_IVP (solve initial value problem in GR) [99/05]
unofficial_manual.ps (14 pages)
viewgraph.ps (6 pages)
- cactus thorn_pninit (post-Newtonian initial data for binary neutron stars) [99/03]
manual.ps (60 pages)- cactus thorn_EOS (equation of state in cactus) [98/11]
manual.ps (4 pages)
I always welcome your contacts.![]()
Last updated: 2021/1/21