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- "InAs nanostructure devices fabricated by AFM oxidation process", S. Sasa and M. Inoue, Proc. of 13th Int. Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, pp. 35-38, 2001.
- "Charge Storage Effect of the Vertically Stacked InAs Nanodots Embedded in Al0.5Ga0.5As Matrix", K. Koike, S. Li, H. Komai, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, and M. Yano, Proc. of 13th Int. Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, pp. 39-42, 2001.
- "Deep level transient spectroscopy of verticall stacked InAs self-assembled quantum dots", S. Li, K. Koike, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, and M. Yano, Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond, pp. 1289-1290, 2001.
- "Cyclotron resonance anomalies near the semimetal-semiconductor transition in a 2D electron-hole system", M.A. Zudov, J. Kono, T. Ikaida, Y.H. Matsuda, N. Miura, S. Sasa, and M. Inoue, Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. oSemicond, pp. 991-992, 2001.
- "InAs-based Single-electron Transistor Fabrication Using AFM Oxidation", S. Sasa and M. Inoue, J. Soc. Elect. Mat. Eng, vol. 10, pp. 239-242 ,2001.
- "Magneto-transport in InAs/AlGaSb open quantum dots", T. Maemoto, T. Kobayashi, Y. Kitamura, M. Karasaki, T. Kita, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, K. Ishibashi, and Y. Aoyagi, IPAP Conf. Ser. 2, pp. 184-186, 2001.
- "Electrical properties of InAs oxide produced by AFM oxidation", S. Sasa, S. Yodogawa, T. Kita, and M. Inoue, IPAP Conf. Ser. 2, pp. 198-200, 2001.
- "Charge strage effect of the vertically stacked InAs nanodots embedded in Al0.5Ga0.5As matrix", K. Koike, H. Komai, S. Li, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, and M. Yano, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys, vol. 41, pp. 956-971, 2002.
- 「シリコン基板を用いた単結晶酸化亜鉛薄膜の分子線エピタキシャル成長」、小池・谷手・本傅・越智・ 佐々・井上・矢野、J. Vac. Soc. Jpn、vol.45、pp. 301-304、2002.3.