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  1. "Characteristics of Enzyme-Based ZnO/Zn0.7Mg0.3O Heterojunction Field-Effect Transistor as Glucose Sensor", K. Koike, D. Takagi, M. Hashimoto, T. Hashimoto, T. Inoue, K. Ogata, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, and M. Yano, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 04C081 (2009).
  2. "High-performance IZO-TFTs fabricated on a non-heated glass substrate by rf-magnetron sputtering", T. Maitani, S. Sasa, T. Maemoto, and M. Inoue, 2009 Int. Mtg. for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai, pp. 80-81 (2009).
  3. "Characterization of ZnO thin-film transistors fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on glass substrates", T. Yoshida, K. Fujiwara, T. Maemoto, S. Sasa, and M. Inoue, 2009 Int. Mtg. for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai, pp. 82-83 (2009).
  4. "ZnO nanorod arrays on n-type Si(111) substrates for pH measurements", Ken-ichi Ogata, Kazuto Koike, Shigehiko Sasa, Masataka Inoue, and Mitsuaki Yano, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, pp. 1684-1687 (2009).
  5. "Electron transport properties in InAs four-terminal ballistic junctions under weak magnetic fields", M. Koyama, K. Fujiwara, N. Amano, T. Maemoto, S. Sasa and M. Inoue, Phys. Status Solidi C 6, pp. 1501-1504 (2009).
  6. "X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy characterization of aminosilane anchored to ZnO nanorod arrays grown by an aqueous solution method with microwave-assisted heating", K. Ogata, K. Koike, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, and M. Yano, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, pp. 1834-1837 (2009).
  7. "Characteristics of Polycrystalline ZnO-Based Electrolyte-Solution-Gate Field-Effect Transistors Fabricated on Glass Substrates", Kazuto Koike, Mitsuhiro Hashimoto, Kumiho Tsuji, Yasuaki Seiwa, Ken-ichi Ogata, Shigehiko Sasa, Masataka Inoue, and Mitsuaki Yano, Appl. Phys. Express 2, 087001 (3 pages) (2009).
  8. "バイオセンサー応用に向けた高性能ZnO薄膜トランジスタの開発", 佐々誠彦,小池一歩,尾形健一,矢野満明,前元利彦,井上正崇, Microwave Workshop Digest, pp. 437-442 (2009).
  9. "Recombination dynamics and screening of the internal electric field in ZnO/ZnxMg1-xO multiple quantum wells", C. R. Hall, L. Dao, K. Koike, S. Sasa, H. H. Tan, M. Inoue, M. Yano, P. Hannaford, C. Jagadish, and J. A. Davis, Phys. Rev. B 80, pp. 235316 (6 pages) (2009).
  10. "高性能ZnO 系FET の開発 ーデバイス応用と高周波特性ー", 佐々誠彦,小池一歩,前元利彦,矢野満明,井上正崇, 信学技報, 109, pp. 55-60 (2010).
  11. "Characterization of ZnO thin-film transistors fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on glass substrates", T. Yoshida, T. Tachibana, T. Maemoto, S. Sasa, and M. Inoue, Memoirs of the Osaka Inst. of Tech, Ser A 54, pp. 9-15 (2010).
  12. "Film thickness dependence of intense THz radiation from InAs thin-films", S. Umino, Y. Ishibashi, K. Takeya, T. Maemoto, S. Sasa, M. Inoue, and M. Tonouchi, Memoirs of the Osaka Inst. of Tech, Ser A 54, pp. 17-23 (2010).