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ニュース Participated in the International PBL held at Tatung University

トピックス English
Department of Biomedical Engineering in Faculty of Engineering participated in the international PBL held at Tatung University in Taiwan for 7 days from August 6 to 12. A total of 34 students participated, including 15 from OIT, 15 from Tatung University, and 4 Indonesian students studying at Tatung university for a long term.
The purpose of this year's event was to "conduct experiments on 5 different experimental themes and present the results in English," with 5 groups of two to four OIT students and three to 5 Tatung University students as one group.
Each group was assigned a theme, and the students designed and conducted their own experiments. The themes were set by Tatung University professors: "Beer workshop" for group 1, "Saponification and the Role of Surfactants in Cosmetics Products" for group 2, "Fun with enzymes" for group 3, "Generation of magnetized cells by in vitro approaches" for group 4, and "Inverse Suspension Polymerization for the Synthesis of Superabsorbent Polymer" for group 5. On the final day, presentations and discussions were made in English using a PowerPoint presentation prepared by each group in about 5 minutes.
Although the evaluation results varied slightly due to the different themes of each group, they were able to reach the level expected by Tatung University professors who planned each theme. The English presentations were mainly given by OIT students, and at the end of the program, each participating student received a certificate of completion from Tatung University.
Many of the participating students commented on their growth, saying, "I became more interested in the theme," "I improved my technical skills," and "I improved my communication skills," indicating that the content of the workshop was very fulfilling.

During the event, in addition to experiments, the students also had time for cultural experiences and factory tours to hone their global thinking. We hope that this will be an opportunity for them to further enrich their student life.