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ニュース Congratulations to All 1,890 Graduates

トピックス English
On March 22, we held the "Academic Year 2023 Commencement." This year, for the first time in four years, the ceremony was held all together at the Omiya Campus. A total of 1,890 graduates and alumni attended.

In his address, President Susumu Inoue said, "Those of you who spent most of your time as undergraduate and graduate students under the influence of pandemic were often unable to act as you wished due to various restrictions on your activities. I would like to express my respect to all of you for your dedication to your studies and research activities, even under such circumstances, and for the fact that you have made it to this day. At the same time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to your family and all those who have supported you. I hope that you will find fulfillment in your work and strive for self-improvement, recognizing that the knowledge you acquired at the university is part of the foundation for your future life in society. As the saying goes, "do what you love and money will follow you" and I would like you to start by learning to love your work and research. I hope that you will take good care of your health, and as graduates and alumni of this university with its long tradition of excellence, I wish you all the best as you continue to push yourselves beyond the limits of what is possible.

To all graduates, alumni and parents, congratulations on your graduation today.