On May 2, a delegation from Polytech Montpellier, engineering graduate school of the University of Montpellier (France), visited Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT). Since establishing international partnership in 2022, OIT Department of Mechanical Engineering has welcomed three trainees at Materials Joining Engineering Laboratory for two consecutive years.
The visiting delegation from Polytech Montpellier comprised three distinguished individuals: Professor Eric Anglaret, Professor in Materials Science and Deputy Director for International Affairs; Professor Laetitia Palmade, Professor in Food Engineering and Departmental Coordinator for International Affairs in Biological and Food Engineering; and Ms. Sandra Durand, Head of International Office. Their visit aimed to strengthen the relationship with their Japanese partner institutions and promote future exchanges. They visited three universities, including OIT.
During their visit to OIT, the delegation toured both the Umeda and Omiya campuses, participating in a diverse range of programs. In the morning, a meeting was held at the Umeda Campus. After an introduction of each university, representatives from the Department of Robotics and the Department of System Design Engineering, along with a participant from the Department of Data Science at Hirakata Campus via Zoom, engaged in departmental presentations and discussions. This was followed by a tour of the Umeda Campus facilities. The delegation explored various sites, starting with the panoramic view from the top floor and moving through the research facilities of the Departments of Robotics and the Departments of System Design, the Innovation Lab, and the Robotics & Design Center.
The group then traveled to the Omiya Campus. After touring the library, a luncheon was held with trainees from Polytech Montpellier, OIT students and faculty members, during which various topics were discussed.
In the afternoon, the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering hosted programs. The Department of Mechanical Engineering introduced the delegation to student PBL (Project-Based Learning) projects at Monolab Annex, followed by a tour of key research facilities and a demonstration of latest machines at Monolab. Subsequently, at the East Campus Building, the Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a program that included departmental introductions, research facility tours, and observations of PBL classes. The program was concluded with a lecture on food engineering by Professor Laetitia Palmade. Students and faculty attentively listened to her insights into the world of food engineering and her research.
The visit concluded with a meeting with the Director of the OIT International Center, during which the delegation expressed their gratitude and committed to further deepening the collaboration initiated through this exchange.
The visiting delegation from Polytech Montpellier comprised three distinguished individuals: Professor Eric Anglaret, Professor in Materials Science and Deputy Director for International Affairs; Professor Laetitia Palmade, Professor in Food Engineering and Departmental Coordinator for International Affairs in Biological and Food Engineering; and Ms. Sandra Durand, Head of International Office. Their visit aimed to strengthen the relationship with their Japanese partner institutions and promote future exchanges. They visited three universities, including OIT.
During their visit to OIT, the delegation toured both the Umeda and Omiya campuses, participating in a diverse range of programs. In the morning, a meeting was held at the Umeda Campus. After an introduction of each university, representatives from the Department of Robotics and the Department of System Design Engineering, along with a participant from the Department of Data Science at Hirakata Campus via Zoom, engaged in departmental presentations and discussions. This was followed by a tour of the Umeda Campus facilities. The delegation explored various sites, starting with the panoramic view from the top floor and moving through the research facilities of the Departments of Robotics and the Departments of System Design, the Innovation Lab, and the Robotics & Design Center.
The group then traveled to the Omiya Campus. After touring the library, a luncheon was held with trainees from Polytech Montpellier, OIT students and faculty members, during which various topics were discussed.
In the afternoon, the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering hosted programs. The Department of Mechanical Engineering introduced the delegation to student PBL (Project-Based Learning) projects at Monolab Annex, followed by a tour of key research facilities and a demonstration of latest machines at Monolab. Subsequently, at the East Campus Building, the Department of Biomedical Engineering conducted a program that included departmental introductions, research facility tours, and observations of PBL classes. The program was concluded with a lecture on food engineering by Professor Laetitia Palmade. Students and faculty attentively listened to her insights into the world of food engineering and her research.
The visit concluded with a meeting with the Director of the OIT International Center, during which the delegation expressed their gratitude and committed to further deepening the collaboration initiated through this exchange.
The delegation from Polytech Montpellier touring the Umeda Campus facilities. -
Polytech Montpellier trainees at the Mechanical Engineering Department’s Mech Lab. -
Students and faculty attending the food engineering lecture at the Department of Biomedical Engineering.