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ニュース Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design accepted study tour from UTM, Malaysia

トピックス English
On April 3, 2017, OIT Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design accepted a study tour of 15 students and two professors from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), one of the partner universities in Malaysia.

For the study tour group, Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design offered the following programs:
1) Welcome Speech and Introduction of OIT by Prof. Oyama, Director of the department
2) Short Lecture on Water Disasters by Assoc. Prof. Azuma
3) Demonstration of Concrete Testing by Assoc. Prof. Mikata
The participants were eagerly listening to the lectures and observing the tests.

Since the establishment of Memorandum of Understanding in 2013, OIT Department of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering has been a main actor for student exchanges with UTM, such as sending one OIT student in the overseas research experience program and accepting one UTM student for his internship. It is expected that this acceptance of the study tour may become a starting point for the both universities to collaborate in other academic fields. http://www.utm.my/