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ニュース Department of Applied Chemistry participated in Online iPBL Program

トピックス English
From July 24 to September 4, Department of Applied Chemistry participated in an online International Project-Based Learning (iPBL) program "Making Chemistry-Magic Movie". 1 student from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan), 16 students from Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (Indonesia), 10 students from Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan), 5 students from OIT, 16 students from Widya Mandala Catholic University High School and 2 students from Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Senior High School participated in the program.

◇July 24 (Sat): Guidance of the program and announcement of team division
◇July 31 (Sat): Introduction of a partner in the team
◇August 7 (Sat): Presentation of ideas
◇August 8 (Sun) - August 20 (Fri): Team video creation
◇August 21 (Sat): Upload the video to YouTube (limited release), Voting
◇September 4 (Sat): Awards presentation, Certification, Zoom Party (Participants introduce their country, university, local foods, etc.)

Divided into the international teams of Indonesians, Taiwanese, and Japanese, the participants exchanged opinions using Slack and other communication tools and created a chemistry magic video that will get high school students interested in chemistry. The completed videos were uploaded to YouTube (limited release), and the best works were selected by mutual voting among the teams and by the judging vote of each university’s professors. On the last day, the team which made the best video were awarded and all participants enjoyed communication about their country, university, local food, etc. at the Zoom party.