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ニュース OIT held International Symposium Poster Session online

トピックス English
OIT International Center held the "International Symposium On Science & Technology Poster Session" online on July 29, 2022.
This program is designed to train graduate students, who often have opportunities to give presentations at international conferences and study abroad, summarize their research, and speak in English.
10 graduate students selected under the Overseas Research Experience Program and Ms. Putri Asmolo, a graduate student of Widya Mandala Catholic University in Indonesia, who will visit Japan this fall as an exchange student, gave poster presentations in English on their research topics.
13 students from the partner universities in Taiwan and South Korea attended the session and exchanged information on topics related to their fields of specialization and introductions to each other's countries and cultures.
Putri, who presented as a special guest, commented, "This event is exciting and good for adding insight".

In the questionnaire, we received the following comments. 'I found the introduction of the Kansai area during the break very interesting. Thank you for a great session that not only allowed me to share the great research projects of the presenters but also gave me a better understanding of OIT's campus and what Osaka has to offer. I look forward to attending the next session." (YunTech student) "At first I was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. But I am grateful to everyone at OIT for organizing this event, and I was able to freely exchange ideas with other participants. It was a lot of fun" (YunTech student).

Presenters and themes are as follows.
* Fabrication of Janus particles via vapor phase polymerization (Applied Chem.)
* Proposal for a new public space (Design & Archit.)
* Minimizing Transformer for offshore wind power plant (Electrical Eng.)
* Automated measurement of abdominal temperature in mice using microchip (Biomedical Eng.)
* On Pedestrians' Evaluation about Alley in the city (Civil Eng.)
* Change of river discharge on Yamato river under the climate change (Civil Eng.)
* Recent Issues on Regarding Narrow Streets in Urban Development (Civil Eng.)
* On the Road Evaluation Based on Passage (Civil Eng.)
* On the Method to Evaluate Environmental Sound Using EEG Analysis (Civil Eng.)
* Relationship Between The Living Environment And The Sense Of Time-Space (Civil Eng.)
* Utilization of intercalated spent bleaching earth to remove phosphate from the wastewater (WIDYA, Chemical Eng.)