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ニュース Visit to Kawakami Village, Nara with USR Team of Taiwan Tech New type of iPBL will start soon!

トピックス English
Five members of the USR (University Social Responsibility) team of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), a partner university, visited OIT from November 24 to 28 to discuss the " EIA (Engineers in Action)", a new international PBL project to promote local sustainable development, with Prof. Muraoka, Director, the International Center.

The purpose of this project is to expand each other's activity fields internationally by combining the know-how of PBL activities that Taiwan Tech has been engaged in with its partner universities in Southeast Asia at the " Traditional Atayal house" in Yilan County, and the know-how of regional collaborative PBL activities that OIT has been engaged in for many years.

This time, we have visited the Headwaters Branch School in Kawakami Village, Nara Prefecture.
The delegation showed great interest in the natural environment and local resources of Kawakami Village and immediately came up with the idea of a joint project.

This new type of iPBL, which is cross-disciplinary regardless of student affiliation, will be open to participants starting next February and will be conducted in Yilan, Taiwan in August with multiple online pre-study sessions.