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International Center Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering

Researchers in Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering (AY2024)

Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design

Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design

  • 10,000kN Vertical Loading Equipment, Structure Research Center

  • Urban Design and Simulation

In the academic disciplines of Civil Engineering and Urban Design, students learn to use science and technology to design the infrastructures that support our lives. For example, roads, parks, bridges, ports, rivers, housing complexes, urban spaces, and suburban areas must all be constructed so they can be used safely, conveniently, comfortably, and appropriately. Designers must also keep nature in mind and maintain tradition and culture as they plan and build.
The Civil Engineering and Urban Design program offers an efficient, high-level curriculum based on an original educational philosophy, and includes courses that prepare students to obtain professional licenses. Students are given consistent guidance not only to help them graduate, but also to find work in their chosen fields. Students in the program study one fundamental area, design and planning, and five specialties: "Design and Planning," "Structures," "Materials," "Geotechnical Engineering," and "Hydraulic Engineering." In contemporary practice, maintaining, and preserving existing infrastructure is just as important as developing new projects. Engineers and designers must be able use a global perspective and fully understand the circumstances surrounding their projects. Students in our program systematically study how to solve difficult problems that affect urban spaces and develop their capacity to competently practice Civil Engineering and Urban Design.

Graduate Course in Civil Engineering and Urban Design

This course aims to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills of analysis and design in Civil Engineering and Urban Design, and give them a solid academic background which leads to careers as professional civil engineers, town planners, urban designers, and researchers. The program combines traditional lectures and an individual research projects in the student's chosen special field, such as Design and Planning, Structures and Materials, Hydraulic and Geotechnical and Environment.

(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
INOUE, Susumu P Civil engineering materials/ Construction/ Construction management Lab
TANAKA, Kazunari P Design science, Town planning/Architectural planning, Civil engineering project/Traffic engineering Lab
OHYAMA, Osamu P Structural engineering/ Earthquake engineering/ Maintenance management engineering Lab
MIKATA, Yasuhiro P Civil engineering materials/ Construction/ Construction management Lab
HIOKI, Kazuaki P Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Disaster Prevention Lab
YAMAGUCHI, Yukikazu P Town Planning/ Transport Planning Lab
AZUMA, Ryoukei AP Natural Disaster Science, Hydraulic engineering, Environmental Hydraulics Lab
FUJIMOTO, Tetsuo AP Geotechnical engineering, Structural engineering/ Earthquake engineering/ Maintenance management engineering Lab
IMAGAWA, Yusuke AP Structural engineering/ Earthquake engineering/ Maintenance management engineering Lab
NISHIHORI, Yasuhide AP Infrastructure Planning and Management, Traffic Engineering/ City Planning Lab
OGAWA, Yoshiya AP Hydraulic engineering  
KIMURA, Yusuke AP Civil engineering project/Traffic engineering, Town planning/Architectural planning  

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Architecture

Department of Architecture

  • Full size experiment of truss structure, Structure Research Cente

  • Critique of Students' Architectural Design

Architecture is the harmonious combination of engineering and art. The three essential elements of good architecture are "firmitas" (structural toughness), "utilitas" (function and usability), and "venustas" (beauty). That is, to be successful, architecture must be functional, safe, and beautiful, and it must also make us feel comfortable. Furthermore, architecture is expected to protect us from danger of earthquake, typhoon, fire, environmental pollution, and other hazards, and to facilitate the growth of a safe, secure, sustainable, cultured and affluent society.
To carry out our missions, we offer a broad spectrum of special subjects covering architectural history, architectural planning and design, city planning, environmental engineering, building structure, earthquake resistance and disaster prevention, and building materials. In particular, design practices, which are the basis of our curriculum, are offered so that students' acquired knowledge and skill can be focused on creating worthy architectural expressions. Juniors (third-year students) must choose between the planning and design/environmental course, or the structural/ material course, to pursue advanced knowledge and skill. Seniors undertake a graduation thesis or design proposal that uses their comprehensive knowledge and skill. A postgraduate course is also available, to further advance students' abilities.
The origin of Department of Architectural dates back to 1922, and until 1965, it was the only Department of Architecture at a private university in the western part of Japan. Since its foundation, many graduates have taken an active part in society as outstanding architects, building engineers, city planners, researchers, and in other roles. It is noteworthy that over one-third of our graduates annually pass the difficult examination requirements to become qualified architects of the first class. That is one of the main reasons why our department has a reputation as one of the top architectural school in Japan.
Our faculty members, who make great contributions to society, are excellent professional researchers in their fields, as well as outstanding teachers. Furthermore, in the Structure Research Center, large-scale structural experiments are carried out, producing valuable results.

Graduate Course in Architecture

In the graduate course, it will further deepen the ability as an engineer that developed in the undergraduate course. Student in master's course, using the latest building technology and knowledge, you learn to protect humans from disaster of earthquake, typhoon, fire, environmental pollution. We aim to achieve a sustainable and cultural society in a safe and peace of mind. We are preparing a program for achieving these objectives. Students will find themselves the issues of problem, and develop the ability to solve the problem as one of the team.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
TERAJI, Hiroyuki P Architectural Design, Design method Lab
HONDA, Masaaki P Architectural history / Design Lab
BABA, Nozomu P Building structures/ Materials Lab
YOSHIDA, Tetsu P Architectural Planning, Social welfare and social work studies Lab
NAKAMURA, Shigeharu P Building structures/ Materials Lab
KONO, Ryohei P Architectural Environmental Engineering Lab
OKAYAMA, Toshiya P Town planning, Architectural planning Lab
MIZUSHIMA, Akane P Architectural history / Design, Town planning / Architectural planning  
LIN, Xiaoguang AP Building structures/ Materials Lab
MUKAIDE, Seiji AP Building structures/ Materials Lab
TAKINO, Atsuo AP Structural Engineering Lab
QUAN, Chunri AP Seismic Engineering, Structural Engineering Lab
FUJII, Shinsuke AP Architectural design Web, Lab
NGUYEN, Thu Lan ATP    
IMAGAWA, Hikaru RA Building environmental engineering  

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
RA = Research Associate
※ = Department Chair

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • Standing-up motion rehabilitation device

  • Visualization of flow around automobile

Mechanical engineering is pertinent to all fields and all kinds of human endeavors that support human life now and in the future: everything we take for granted in our surroundings, such as sophisticated electronic machines, automobiles, industrial machines and robots, all depend for their operation on mechanical engineering. In this department, students learn the basics of mechanical engineering such as strength of materials, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and mechanical dynamics. Additionally, they learn design and manufacturing technology, by grasping principles as well as using their acquired practical knowledge and technology for solving important problems.
The students are divided among "advanced" and "basic" courses and focus their studies from the second year onward according to their future goals. The advanced course is an educational program accredited by the Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education, certificated by the Washington accord, and it aims to develop engineers who can excel at research and development, by training their design ability. In the basic course, future engineers learn fundamental methods by studying practical designs and current manufacturing know-how. By solving numerous design problems, students develop expertise in the use of 3-D CAD technology. During their research for graduation, students strive to explore the leading edge of technical improvements, to discover something that may be profoundly important, and develop sophisticated solutions to complex problems, such as the development of high-performance robots.

Graduate Course in Mechanical Engineering

The course is divided into the following four fields to give students the opportunity to systematically research all aspects of mechanical engineering. Each field provides lectures and oversees its own research.
  1. Strength of Materials: Material Design, Functional Materials, Experimental Mechanics
  2. Machinery System Design and Production: Material Processing, Precision Engineering, Astronautics, Aeronautics, Automotive
  3. Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics: Heat Transport Phenomena, Mathematical Fluids, Turbomachinery, Internal Combustion Engines
  4. Measurement and Control Systems: Intelligent Systems and Control, Vibration, Sensing Technology, Robotics, Machine and Robot Systems

Master students belong to each field and may supplement their regular lectures with other lectures in mathematics, foreign languages, and other fields. Students will be chiefly involved in the research and development section in their chosen field.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
HAGA, Toshio P Casting / Roll Casting, Die casting Web, Lab, Project
IHARA, Yukitoshi P Production engineering / Processing studies Lab
KUWAHARA, Kazunari P Thermal engineering Lab
UETSUJI, Yasutomo P Materials / Mechanics of materials Lab
USHIDA, Shun P Control engineering / System engineering Lab
MIYABE, Masahiro P Fluid engineering Lab
YOSHIDA, Junji P Dynamics/Control Lab
YAMAURA, Shinichi P Structural engineering/Earthquake engineering/Maintenance management engineering, Structural/Functional materials Lab
NISHIKAWA, Izuru P Materials / Mechanics of materials Lab
UEDA, Sei P Materials / Mechanics of materials Lab
MATSUSHIMA Eiji AP Thermal engineering Lab
HASHIMOTO, Tomoaki AP Control engineering / System engineering Lab
IYOTA, Muneyoshi AP Materials/Mechanics of materials, Welding Lab
UKAI, Takahiro AP Flow visualization, Compressible flow Lab
HARAGUCHI, Makoto AP Rehabilitation science / Welfare engineering Lab
YOKOYAMA, Sho ATP Biomedical engineering / Biomaterial science and engineering Lab

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering

Our department is dedicated to student education that provides the basic knowledge needed by new professionals in a variety of fresh and exciting fields. We achieve this by providing students with broad knowledge and advanced education through carefully designed exercises and experimental programs, including experiments in the Nanomaterials Microdevices Research Center as well as through ordinary lectures. Since our social infrastructures are focused on electrical engineering, our graduates find employment in a variety of fields (not only electrical industries, but also other industries where electrical engineers play important roles).
Since its foundation, our department has continued to grow by flexibly expanding its own fields to include newly-developed interdisciplinary areas. Our education program, therefore, includes broad fields from energy to electronics, and is now classified into three categories: material science and device physics; advanced energy and power electronics; and system control, information and communication systems. The program also covers each interdisciplinary field. Research and educational programs are both fuelled by our passion for tireless dedication, to maintain and advance our reputation as a leading institute.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
KASE, Wataru P Dynamical system theory Lab
MORIZANE, Toshimitsu P Power engineering / Power conversion / Electric machinery Lab
MAEMOTO, Toshihiko P Semiconductor devces, New functional devices, Oxide semiconductors, Thin-film devices, Flexible devices Lab
YOSHIMURA, Tsutomu P Integrated circuit design Lab
SHIGEHIRO, Yuji P Mathematical informatics Lab
MIICHI, Tomoaki P Power engineering / Power conversion / Electric machinery Lab
TAKUMA, Takashi P Intelligent mechanics / Mechanical systems Lab
FUJII, Akihiko P Electronic materials / Electric materials Lab
YOSHIDA, Keiichiro P Environmental engineering and reduction of environmental burden, Plasma electronics, Energy engineering Lab
SHINDO, Masako AP Plasma science Lab
KOYAMA, Masatoshi AP Semiconductor engineering, Electron device/Electronic equipment, Physics of semiconductors Lab
KANESHIRO, Yoshimori AP Electron device/Electronic equipment Lab
MATAYOSHI, Hidehito ATP Power engineering / Power conversion / Electric machinery Lab
JINNO, Souma ATP Power engineering / Power conversion / Electric machinery  

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
★ = Dean of Faculty
※ = Department Chair

Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering

Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering

The mission of the Department of Electronics and Information Systems Engineering (EISE) is to implement excellence in teaching and cutting-edge research based on the development of electronics engineering. Needless to say, creating an innovative future depends crucially on the electronics technologies. Supported by electronics, the information, communication and system technologies will be vital in many growth areas of the 21st century. EISE graduates, who can design new innovative technologies, will be highly sought after by a wide range of industry and business enterprises. To achieve this, our well-structured curriculum starts with fundamental sciences and proceeds to applied technologies for today’s world.
Subjects are categorized into two principal areas of 1) electronics and 2) information, communication and system technologies. Students study systematically and also explore interdisciplinary subjects to acquire knowledge and skillsets that best meet their own interests. Motivated students are strongly encouraged to enroll in our graduate school and work toward an advanced degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, to further their mastery of advanced courses in specialized areas.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
HARASHIMA, Katsumi P Artificial Life / Multi-Agent Lab
ZHOU, Hong P Communications, Wireless / Radio communications  
KOIKE, Kazuto P Electronic materials/ Electric materials Lab
KAMIMURA, Tomosumi P Optical engineering, Photon science Lab
OKU, Hiroshi P Control Engineering and Systems Science Web Lab
KUMAMOTO, Kazuo P Communication / Network engineering Lab
MATSUNO, Fumitoshi P Robotics, Mechatronics, Rescue Engineering Lab
FUJIMURA, Masao AP Communication / Network engineering, Information network, Human interface and interaction, Multimedia database Lab
HIROSHIBA, Nobuya AP Nano/Microsystems, Device related chemistry, Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties, Electronic materials/Electric materials Lab
YASUKUNI, Ryohei AP Optical engineering, Photon science Lab
KINJO, Ryouta AP Computer Simulation, AI, Superconducting Device Lab
KAWAKAMI, Masashi ATP Communication / Network engineering, Electron device / Electronic equipment Lab
WANG, Xixun ATP Intelligent mechanics / Mechanical systems  

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Applied Chemistry

Department of Applied Chemistry

In the context of sustainable development to improve the quality of life, applied chemistry plays a crucial role in advancing science and technology in diverse fields such as energy, the environment, and biotechnology. Our department consists of six fields and our research embraces a wide range of scientific and engineering issues, from basic discovery to advanced applications. Research areas can be categorized into three sections:
  1. Design of functional polymers and/or semiconductors at atomic, molecular, mesoscopic, and macroscopic levels
  2. Development of advanced chemical reaction processes based on "green sustainable chemistry"
  3. Synthesis of novel organic materials and their application to bioscience products and fine chemicals
Field Key words
Synthetic Chemistry Electropolymerization, latent initiator, green catalyst
Organic Functional Chemistry Host-guest chemistry, interlocked molecules, supramolecular chemistry, materials for energy conversion
Advanced Polymer Materials Advanced functional polymers, polymer physics, composite materials, advanced particulate materials, soft dispersed systems
Inorganic Materials Chemistry Nano materials, capacitor, plasmon sensor, photocatalyst, solar cell, ionic conductors, rechargeable battery
Molecular Recognition Chemistry ISE, fluorescent probe, chemiluminescence, pulsed NMR
Materials and Life Chemistry Green synthetic processes, surfactants, natural products, total synthesis

The educational program is designed to develop students' thinking and technical skills that are appropriate for chemical engineers, researchers and other professionals in chemical industries and related areas. Academic staff with sophisticated expertise assist students in their learning of fundamental chemistry and experimental techniques. Students are encouraged to become familiar with international chemical journals and to make dynamic and persuasive presentations before professional audiences.
Major employment fields for graduates
Chemicals, medicines, foods, cosmetics, polymers, semiconductors, public servants, public researchers, and teachers.
Percentage of graduate students who were successfully employed: 100% (2015 Academic Year)

Graduate Course in Applied Chemistry

The Department of Applied Chemistry at Osaka Institute of Technology offers graduate degree programs for students interested in concentrating upon their original research in the various fields of chemistry as well as learning advanced chemistry in many kinds of lectures. Students earn a Master's degree and Ph.D. by doing independent research and writing a thesis supported by their mentors. Research fields consist of synthetic, organic functional, advanced polymer, inorganic materials, molecular recognition, and materials and life chemistries. Students are required to complete coursework and pass written and oral examinations in their research topics. The graduated students mainly obtain various positions in industrial laboratories.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
MURAOKA, Masahiro P Organic Chemistry, Functional solid state chemistry Web Lab
MORIUCHI, Takayo P Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Sensing Lab
FUJII, Syuji P Polymer / Textile materials Web Lab
HIGASHIMOTO, Shinya P Catalysis, Photoelectrochemistry Lab
SHIMOMURA, Osamu P Polymer Synthesis, Hybrid Materials Web Lab, Project
MASUYAMA, Araki P Organic Chemistry Web Lab
NAKAMURA, Yoshinobu P Polymer chemistry Web Lab
FUJIMORI, Keiichi AP Analitical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry Lab
OHTAKA, Atsushi AP Catalyst/Resource chemical process Web Lab
KOBAYASHI, Shoji AP Synthetic organic chemistry Web Lab
MURATA, Michihisa AP Organic chemistry/ Energy-related chemistry/ Device related chemistry/ Nanomaterials chemistry Web Lab
HIRAI, Tomoyasu AP Polymer chemistry Web Lab
HIRAHARA, Masanari AP Inorganic chemistry, Energy-related chemistry Lab
MATSUMURA, Yoshimasa ATP Polymer chemistry  
FUKUSHIMA, Takashi ATP Inorganic chemistry, Energy-related chemistry, Green/Environmental chemistry  
P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Environmental Engineering

Department of Environmental Engineering

Practical learning program directed toward real environmental affairs

Comprehensive study in environmental problems in regional and global environment and a series of practical learning programs and field work help students acquire specific skills directly applied to real environmental affairs. The OIT Department of Environmental Engineering operates in four fields: resource & energy, urban metabolism, nature harmonization, and general skills for engineers.

Become governmental officers and environmental planners

Our education program trains personnel who are skilled in making assessments, planning buildings, and implementing governmental programs in the field of regional environments and waste management. The program covers ecological, social, and economical knowledge of which is indispensable for governmental and planning workers.

Become front-line environmental engineers

Our education program trains engineers who have expertise in environmental solutions such as the development, design, operation and control of environmental energy devices and sanitary engineering plants. Special emphasis is placed on developing analytical skills that are fundamental to solving difficult problems concerning water and gas treatment, waste disposal and pollution, and renewable energy.

Graduate Course in Environmental Engineering

From specialist to researcher

Building on the fundamental skills and knowledge gained through the 4-year university experience, the graduate course in Environmental Engineering provides graduate students with further exclusive study. The aim of the master's and doctoral courses is to train specialists who will solve crucial environmental problems, and act as innovative researchers, respectively.

Environmental solutions

The graduate course in Environmental Engineering involves fields of environmental energy, natural environment, resource recycling, and environmental system. The course focuses on global environmental affairs, environmental planning, urban environmental systems, water environmental issues, and techniques for recycling material resources and renewable energy.

Coupling of education and research on current issues

Up-to-date, practical issues are environmental engineering targets, and professors and graduate students naturally work together on current topics. The evolution of critical issues, which depends on social needs and conditions, is also studied.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
* Click Name for Details
Title Research Field Related Info.
WATANABE, Nobuhisa P Civil and environmental engineering Lab
KASAHARA, Shinsuke P Civil and environmental engineering / Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system Lab
KOSAKI, Yasunori P Civil and environmental engineering / Environmental engineering and reduction of environmental burden Web, Lab
TAKAYAMA, Naru P Environmental agriculture (including landscape science) Lab
KAWAMURA, Koji AP Aquatic life science, Conservation of biological resources, Horticultural science Lab
HEGURI, Satoshi AP Condensed matter physics II Lab
KUSAKABE, Taketoshi AP Environmental engineering, Aquatic environment, Waste & resource cycling Lab
KAGATA, Kakeru ATP Thermal engineering Lab
AWATA, Takanori ATP Environmental Engineering Lab

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering covers a multidisciplinary field that combines medicine, biology, agriculture, etc. in addition to engineering. There are full-time and specially appointed faculty members who have obtained a degree specializing in each field. We can conduct education and research in a wide range of fields such as life science, medical engineering, and food.

In addition to education and research on biomedical engineering, we are also focusing on manufacturing education based on the "environment and mind of manufacturing" cultivated in the long tradition of 100 years, which is the strength of Osaka Institute of Technology.


A unique "Rotational Laboratory Experimental Course," which is provided in all of the ten laboratories through three sequential semesters in sophomore and junior years, helps students master practical research skills from faculties who have a broad spectrum of biomedical engineering research experience. These programs provide students with knowledge and skills in applied life sciences, and the solid background in engineering that they need to pursue graduate school studies, or careers in the medical, healthcare, and food industries.

We are also focusing on employment guidance and graduate school admission guidance that make use of these.

Graduate Course in Biomedical Engineering

In the biotechnology course, you will acquire the knowledge and methodology that are the basis of biotechnology, and improve the technology for engaging in regenerative medicine, food development, microbial application, and medical device development.
In order to realize regenerative medicine and food development that will support the future society and to make use of them in people's lives, mass-produced technology is required. In this course, we are conducting research with a field of view on future commercialization. By studying medicine, biology and engineering together, it will be possible to conduct research with a field of view on product development. In addition, you will acquire practical skills by conducting numerous experiments using specialized equipment.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
FUJISATO, Toshiya P Biomedical engineering / Biomaterial science and engineering Lab, Project
ASHITAKA, Emiko P Neurochemistry / Neuropharmacology, Molecular biology, Pathological medical chemistry Lab, Project
KAWAHARA, Ko-ichi P Lifestyle-related inflammatory diseases, Food science Lab
UTO, Sadahito P Bioerectronics Lab
NAGAMORI, Eiji P Biochemical Engineering Lab
MATSUMURA, Kiyoshi P Physiology Lab
TONAMI, Hiroyuki AP Biomedical engineering / Macromolecular chemistry Lab
OHMORI, Taketo AP Applied microbiology, Enzyme engineering Lab
SAKIYAMA, Ryoichi AP Biomedical engineering / Biomaterial science and engineering, Biofunction / Bioprocess Lab
FUJITA, Hidetoshi AP Laboratory animal science, Pathological medical chemistry, Molecular biology Lab

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of General Education

Department of General Education

We emphasize the provision of a comprehensive liberal arts education that includes studies in natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, biology and earth science. As the 21st century society becomes increasingly advanced, complex and specialized, students must become able to pursue their own ends. For young people to continue developing their specialized knowledge and skill as engineers after graduation, we believe it is vital that they acquire a broad general education through their undergraduate courses.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
HAYASHI, Masahito P Science education, Elementary Particle Physics  
TANAKA, Jun P Geology  
ISHIKAWA, Tsuneo P Algebra  
HARADA, Yoshiyuki P Condensed matter physics I, Nanomaterials engineering  
TSUKAMOTO, Tatsuya P Geometry Web
TANI, Yasutaka P Geology  
FUJIMOTO, Akira P Condensed matter physics I Lab
MYO, Takayuki P Nuclear Physics  
HATTORI, Tetsuya AP Spectral Theory for Operators  
SHIRAI, Shinichi AP Basic analysis Web
MITSUHASHI, Masako AP Biodiversity / Systematics  
KISHIMOTO, Kengo AP Geometry Web
HASEGAWA, Takayuki ATP Nanostructural physics/ Condensed matter physics I Web, Lab
NOZAWA, Masato ATP Gravitational Physics Web
MONNAI, Akihiko ATP Nuclear Theory Web,
SATO, Yusuke ATP    
KUMASHIRO, Shinya ATP Algebra  

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Division of Human Sciences

Broaden your horizons, train your body, and study a wide variety of academic subjects to enrich your education and have a sound judgement of things

The Division of Human Sciences in the Faculty of Engineering at OIT provides students with a well-refined curriculum and education in the fields of social sciences and humanities, languages, and physical education. Through the courses, students can learn basic knowledge so that they will acquire a high ability to apply skills needed in a variety of professional fields, and have a sound judgement of things from a wide-ranging point of view


Fields Subjects
Social Sciences and Humanities Introduction to the Humanities
Basic Writing Skills
History of Art
History of Japanese Language
Jurisprudence (the Constitution of Japan)
Japanese Tradition and Culture
International Relations
Japanese Culture and Society I/II*
Languages Basic English a/b
Oral Communication Ia/Ib/IIa/IIb
Basic English for Technical Communication a/b
Career English Ia/Ib/IIa/IIb
English Presentation a/b
Chinese Communication
Chinese and Contemporary Chinese Studies
Study Abroad
Japanese I/II*
Physical Education Health-Related Physical Education I/II
Lifelong Sports I/II

(*: For foreign students only)
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
MUKUHIRA, Atsushi P British and American theater, ESP, Cultural policy and management  
KAWATA, Susumu P Sociology / Area studies  
TSUJIMOTO, Tomoko P English linguistics  
KAMIKUBO, Satoshi P History of Japanese Economic Thought  
MATSUURA, Kiyoshi P Fine art history, Cultural assets study and museology  
UCHIDA, Hiroaki P Philosophy / Ethics  
NAKAMURA, Tomohiro P Sports science Lab, Project
OTANI, Mayumi P Clinical psychology  
YONEDA, Tatsuro P Japanese linguistics  
NISHIWAKI, Masato AP Sports Science, Applied Health Science, Physical Education Lab
ISHIDO, Minenori AP Sports science, Cognitive science Lab
OTSUKA, Seiko ATP Socilinguistics, Gender Studies / Linguistics  
TAKIKAWA, Hiroki ATP Literature in English  
NISHIYAMA, Yurika ATP Japanese history, Politics Lab
ODA, Tomoko ATP Literature in English  
TACHIBANA, Misato RA Sports science, English linguistics  

P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
RA = Research Associate
※ = Department Chair

Center for Monodzukuri Management

  • Exercise on production line simulator (1)

  • Exercise on production line simulator (2)

The Center for Monodzukuri Management (CMM) was established in 2007 in cooperation with the Kansai Productivity Center (KPC). The purposes of the CMM are to (1) research and promote production management technology, (2) promote process innovation, (3) train personnel who can lead innovation processes, and (4) develop effective teaching methods related to process innovation. Through a combination of these endeavors, the CMM looks to the future to train the next generation of innovators in the field of production management.

Monodzukuri Center (MONOLAB.)

  • Advanced Practice for Development Process

  • 5-axis machining center

The Monodzukuri Center (MONOLAB.) offers broad support to graduate and undergraduate students to help them perfect their engineering skills and embark on innovative projects in the area of “manufacturing technologies.” It also serves as a state-of-the-art center for researching, designing and manufacturing apparatus and equipment intended for use in experiments. At its core, the Center consists of specialized rooms for machining, welding, casting, fabrication, woodworking, circuit production, and CAD/CAE. Each of these specialized rooms is equipped with advanced equipment, including a five-axis machining center, 3D printing machines, and a multilayer printed circuit board press machine.

Nanomaterials Microdevices Research Center

  • Lab. course for semiconductor device fabrication

  • Research for semiconductor thin film fabrication by graduate students.

Nanomaterials Microdevices Research Center (NMRC) was founded in 1987 as New Materials Research Center with state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities dedicated for both research and education in the field of advanced semiconductor materials and devices. The former center was renewed to its current name NMRC in 2006 as a center for nanotechnology by the aid of financial support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). NMRC has an expanded area of 600 m2 (from 350 m2), and its research activities cover the fields of material science, chemistry, bioengineering, and MEMS/NEMS and continue to expand to the interdisciplinary fields. Currently, these researches are promoted in two divisions, the Materials & Devices Development Division and the Materials Analysis Division.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
MAEMOTO, Toshihiko P Semiconductor devices, New functional devices, Oxide semiconductors, Thin-film devices, Flexible devices  
WADA, Hideo P Applied physics, Electronic and electrical material engineering Project

P = Professor
※ = Director

Research Center for Environmental Bioresource

Research Center for Environmental Bioresource (RCEB)
In 2024, the Department of Environmental Engineering established the Research Center for Environmental Bioresource (RCEB) to widely share the research resources and technologies it has developed, to promote collaborative research and to develop new technologies. The center consists of four laboratories. The Photosynthetic microbe lab studies biological processes that convert solar energy into bioenergy and products. The main research material is photosynthetic microorganisms called microalgae. The Methanation microbe lab studies new techniques to improve the operation of methane fermentation and the elucidation of their underlying microbial processes. The Environmental purification microbe lab studies water purification technology and material conversion using anaerobic microorganisms. The Genetic analysis lab performs the genome sequencing of the microbes to elucidate the their metabolic functions. The RCEB is thus a research center with a special focus on utilizing the functions of microorganisms and applying them to develop environmental solutions, such as renewable energy production, reduction of carbon dioxide emission, and water purifications.

Robotics & Design Center

Workshop by Stanford University Staff
The Robotics & Design Center (RDC) is a design driven innovation hub aimed at overcoming the difficulties of an aging society. To spur innovation, we are fusing engineering, science and designer's knowledge.
We educate & cultivate people about how to think and act in finding solutions through PBL (Problem Based Learning). We elicit creativity in individuals and promote the importance of team work.
To achieve our aims and deliver results, we are holding special Open Innovation Creation events with community participation. The host venue has been the OIT Umeda Campus since 2017. The Campus will provide much more than a place of learning for students. With project tasks suggested by the community and the business sector, event participants will take their own initiative, fully exploiting the Rapid Prototyping Method. The PBL program that will be used is designed to give practical training in seeking solutions while focusing on creating products. The activities that unfold on the Umeda Campus will trigger innovations inspired by everybody who joins the Umeda project. The resulting creative innovations will form the basis of a society where men and women of all ages can live healthy, happy and fulfilling lives.


Int'l PBL: Taipei Tech, Kookmin Univ. and OIT students challenged real-world problems.
"Xport" is an open innovation hub located in the heart of the city of Osaka, established in 2018, with the collaboration between Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) and the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It was the first time in Japan that an open innovation hub was built through the cooperation of a university and the Chamber of Commerce. This open innovation hub "Xport", making the best use of a city-center campus, aims at enabling Osaka to produce new businesses and many startups like the Silicon Valley in the United States of America, where companies, professors and students interact with each other every day.
Various activities have been conducted to produce new services and products since the establishment, keeping the diversity with participators including large companies, startups, students, professors, business persons, and global partners.
For now, more than 100 of member companies have joined the Xport, and it has attracted attention from many people as a completely new industrial academia joint hub, which fully utilizes the merits of a city-center campus, plays a main role of solving problems at large companies, and gives entrepreneurs maximum support in their capacity development and intellectual property management.

Digital Archives Center

  • DAC is established to archive digital medias translate from the real world.

  • High-brightness spherical screen and multi-projector system

This center is designed for making digital contents and has various Input-output devices to capture the real world. It is possible to archive various contents into the server, including motion data digitized from movement of the human body, digital sound data recorded from actual sound or generated by acoustic synthesis device, and three-dimensional shape data designed by computer graphics software. The motion capture system records the human body motion by tracking spherical mirrors on the motion capture suit and generates body skeleton in real time. We have developed the support system that is intended for the beginners of several kinds of sports such as Japanese traditional archery, "Kyudo." Laser Scanner can digitize real objects with their color textures. We also have developed an application that supports people engaged in the preservation of historic valuable remains. Our system can find combination of pieces of broken remains scanned by the laser scanner and can show their assembling order. In addition, many latest devices and software for content creation are installed.

Human Robotics R&D Center

  • Life support type robot

  • Guide dog robot

In the Human Robotics R&D Center, our research and development is focused on robots of the future, that is, robots that can exist in symbiosis with humans in the truest sense by making their lives safe and comfortable. By mobilizing all the research laboratories of the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, and through collaborative research with other universities and enterprises, we seek to develop robots that can support human activities in a smooth and efficient manner.

Virtual Reality Laboratory

  • 200-inch large-screen 8K video

  • Interactive projection mapping

The virtual reality (VR) labs has 8K super high-vision projector to display highly realistic 200-inch large-screen video. Moreover, a multi-channel audio system and a motion base system, 8K camera, and real-time CG rendering PC can create immersive virtual image contents. A high-performance 3D printer is introduced to produce real object of computer designed 3D model. In VR labs, state-of-the-art equipment is utilized for several researches, such as new VR and CG technologies, 3D imaging, and interactive projection mapping.

Visualization Software Developing Center

In the Visualization Software Development Center, we would visualize with Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Numerical Analysis. Our center is working on software development to analyze and reconstruct various events and phenomena that are difficult to detect. In this center, we implement research and development projects related to visualization software through collaboration between faculty members and external organizations. We also have been supporting projects for student activities (student projects, international PBL, etc.) that utilize the elemental skills of our members. The following figure is one of our research which is the software development for 3D visualization and analysis for electron tomography images.

Yawata Engineering Laboratory

Structural Research Center

  • 10,000kN Vertical loading equipment

  • Loading test of prestressed concrete beam

The Structural Research Center (SRC) was founded in 1986 in the Yawata Engineering Laboratory located in Yawata, Kyoto, near the Hirakata Campus.
It was established to promote the education of undergraduate and graduate course students at OIT, and to broaden the research capabilities of the SRC staff.
Also, through its research in structural engineering, the SRC plays an active role in improving infrastructure, such as buildings and bridges. The SRC is involved in many research projects commissioned by public institutions and private enterprises, and carries out joint research programs with other universities mainly in Kansai area.

Incubation Lab

(LAST NAME, First Name)
* Click Name for Details
Title Research Field Related Info.
OCHI, Hiizu AP Inorganic materials / Physical properties  
AP = Associate Professor / Researcher