OIT 2023-2024

18TermCreditRegular semester term (up to 2 semesters) or Customized (up to one year)UnavailableStudent CardUnavailableOnly students satisfying all of the following requirements may apply1. Students who are at an undergraduate (3rd year or above) or a graduate level when starting the exchange program.* Master or Doctoral students are highly recommended. The applicants are expected to demonstrate eligible academic/Eligibilityresearch competence to participate and contribute in the laboratory they apply for. 2. Students who are enrolled as a full-time student at a partner university during their entire period of study at OIT.3. Students who demonstrate excellent academic performance.4. Students who have a clear intention to study at OIT.Japanese proficiency (at least JLPT N2 level or equivalent) or English proficiency (CEFR B2 level or equivalent) required.・Faculties and Graduate Schools of OIT https://www.oit.ac.jp/english/education/・Researcher List https://www.oit.ac.jp/english/research/list/・Technological Directory https://www.oit.ac.jp/english/research/technological.html・Academic Calendar https://www.oit.ac.jp/english/campuslife/calendar.htmlLanguage RequirementAdditional InformationRegular semester term (up to 2 semesters)・1st (Spring) Semester: April - Early August・2nd (Fall) Semester: Late September - Early FebruaryAvailable (Students must consult their home universities for procedures regarding credit transfers.)TermCreditStudent CardAvailable (Your status will be "Special Auditor.")Only students satisfying all of the following requirements may apply:1. Students who are at an undergraduate (3rd year or above) or a graduate level when starting the exchange program.2. Students who are enrolled as a full-time student at a partner university during their entire period of study at OIT.3. Students who demonstrate excellent academic performance.4. Students who have a clear intention to study at OIT. Japanese proficiency (at least JLPT N2 level or equivalent) required. **Except those who wish to take courses in the Graduate School of Intellectual Property (English courses provided). ・Faculties and Graduate Schools of OIT https://www.oit.ac.jp/japanese/academic/index.html (Japanese)・Academic Schedule https://www.portal.oit.ac.jp/CAMJWEB/top.do (Japanese) https://www.oit.ac.jp/japanese/students/time_table.html (Japanese)・Course Catalogue (Syllabus) https://www.oit.ac.jp/japanese/syllabus/index.html (Japanese)EligibilityLanguage RequirementAdditional Information1. Research/Internship▶ResearchAlso known as “Research Stay.” Exchange students conduct their research work in a laboratory or a research center of your choice. Research students can work on the research for your thesis or one of research topics conducted in the laboratory or research center. Supervising professor(s) will support your research work in English; therefore, proficiency of Japanese language is not required. Depending on the situation, you may be able to attend some classes as an auditor, but it is not always assured.▶InternshipExchange students work in a laboratory or a research center of your choice and involve in a research project conducted in the laboratory or research center. Supervising professor(s) will provide instructions in English; therefore, proficiency of Japanese language is not required. Exchange students are not paid for internship work.Depending on the situation, you may be able to attend some classes as an auditor, but it is not always assured.2. CourseworkExchange students attend regular classes for credits for 1 or 2 semesters. JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level N2 or equivalent is at least required because most of the courses are taught in Japanese.For Partner UniversitiesProgram Outline⃝ Our Student Exchange Program is open for students of all partnership universities (including UMAP member institutions).⃝ The exchange students are exempt from tuition at OIT.Student Exchange Program

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