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International Center Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Researchers in Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Technology (Ay2024)

Department of Data Science

1. Training the data scientists this era needs

We are now on the verge of reaching a historic milestone known as the super-smart society. Within the Faculty of Information Science and Technology, which has trained information technology specialists, the Department of Data Science will train people with a command of AI (artificial intelligence), ICT (information and communication technology) and big data, as students learn about societal and business structures based on information technology and become equipped with the combination of a mindset for value creation, the ability to solve problems, and communication skills.

2. Practical learning that integrates the sciences and the humanities, which will change societal and business structures

Recent developments in information technology have had a significant impact on corporate activities, as well as on social systems and individuals. In particular, the spread of the Internet and smartphones has been the driving force behind the creation of new industries. Massive quantities of data collected by smartphones and IoT devices, as well as methods of analysis conducted via computers and AI, have allowed us to learn things we never knew before. Notably, human behavioral analysis has made advances, and we can imagine that it will have a great impact on marketing and other fields, as well as the inheritance of techniques in manufacturing. Initially, information systems were introduced in companies and other organizations with a focus on speeding up business processes, saving labor and providing support for decision-making. However, from now on, they will be developed for more strategic purposes and to create new value.

3. Learning that cuts across departmental lines

The strength of the Department of Data Science is that it has been established within the Faculty of Information Science and Technology. This is because value creation through data science is closely related to information science. The automatic collection and storage of various types of data, the statistical analysis of very large quantities of data, verification via simulations, and the visualization of that data, are all based on information technology. In conjunction with the Department of Information and Computer Science, the Department of Information Systems, the Department of Media Science, and the Department of Network Design, the Department of Data Science has an environment in which to work towards the creation of value and its implementation. We also have access to the information technology accumulated in the four other departments.
Information technology, statistical analysis and management systems are the pillars of education and research at the Department of Data Science. These fields are not completely independent, but have areas of overlap with each other. The Department has unique course offerings such as statistical analysis, data mining (which includes text mining), AI, machine learning, pattern recognition, IoT, visual programming, and modeling and simulations. Graduates of the Department, who will learn about these three fields not just through theory but through practical exercises, are expected to flourish as system engineers and data scientists who can create new value.
  • Department of Data Science
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Title Research Field Related Info.
SHIIHARA, Masatsugu P Social systems engineering / Safety system Lab
YASUTOME, Seigo P Learning support system Lab
MINAGAWA, Kentaro P Social systems engineering / Safety system Lab
SUYAMA, Takayuki P Sensor Network, Machine Learning / Smart City Lab
HAMADA, Etsuo P Mathematical Statistics Lab
ARAKI, Hideo P Electron device/Electronic equipment Lab
HIRASHIMA, Yoichi P Mathematical informatics Lab
SAKAHIRA, Fumihiro AP Intelligent informatics, Social systems engineering / Safety system, Library and information science / Humanistic social informatics Lab
EGUCHI, Shoichi ATP Statistical science Web, Lab
 P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Information and Computer Science

1. We educate IT engineers who create future society

Department of Computer Science
Devices utilizing IT technology (such as smartphones and smart home appliances) and systems (such as medical and education systems) are widely supporting our society, and have become indispensable. Aging societies, such as Japan, require IT devices and information systems, which perform intelligent tasks in place of humans. In order to educate IT engineers who can respond to such changes in social needs, our department teaches how to develop and utilize artificial intelligence (AI), as well as conventional software programming. We will also provide a well-balanced instruction in terms of software and hardware.

2. Wide variety of job opportunities

Department of Information and Computer Science
In our department, since you learn how to develop and utilize AI and computer hardware, in addition to conventional software programming, you will be an IT engineer with higher value among the rapidly increasing IT engineers. Therefore, graduates are expected to play active roles in fields of their own interest (home appliances, vehicles, medical systems, educational systems, etc.).

3. Our cutting-edge research improves your ability

Department of Information and Computer Science
Students in the third grade choose and join a particular laboratory, where they engage in cutting-edge research. In this department, you can learn technologies related to AI required in the future society through the research. In addition, since this faculty also has a graduate school, you can go on to a higher level of research even after completing the fourth grade of the undergraduate program, aiming to become an extremely high-level engineer.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
MAKINO, Hiroshi P Integrated Circuits Lab
OZAKI, Atsuo P Intelligent informatics Lab
KAMAKURA,Yoshinari P Electron device / Electronic equipment Lab
FUJII, Kenichi P Application of the information technology for education / Semiconductor physics  
KIMURA, Testuji P Particle / Nuclear / Cosmic ray / Astro physics  
NUNOMURA, Yasuhiro AP Perceptual information processing  
NAKANISHI, Chikako AP Intelligent informatics Lab
OKUNO, Hirotsugu AP Perceptual information processing Web Lab
JINNO, Takao AP Perceptual information processing Lab
DUONG, QuangThang AP Intelligent wireless technology Lab
KONISHI, Masahito ATP Processor Architecture Lab Lab
KOTANI, Naoki ATP Intelligent robotics, Intelligent informatics Lab
 P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Information Systems

The Department of Information Systems offers opportunities to learn about and explore the technology required to create and manage information systems, and the software that enables social infrastructures.
In contemporary society, social and industrial networks are created and nurtured by a variety of information systems that make use of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Such systems are in service literally around the clock, effectively underpinning a sound society in which people can lead creative and fulfilling lives. In the course of these developments, as social requirements become increasingly advanced and diverse, and the environment undergoes rapid changes, new solutions must be found to address pressing issues. In response to these social needs, the program offered by the Department of Information Systems aims to develop leading engineers for future generations, by focusing on engineering education that addresses information systems, and promoting the R&D of information systems that will ultimately create effective solutions to contemporary problems.
Information systems technology can be divided into 1) basic technology, which is commonly used in computers, networks, databases, and information systems for the design, operation, and control of systems, and 2) expertise relevant to individual business systems in the financial, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, railway, public sectors, and others. The Department of Information Systems focuses on education in basic technology, to develop information systems engineers who can create and manage these complex systems. Among the fields of basic technology included in the Department's distinctive array of specialty subjects are databases, networks, software engineering, systems engineering, and information systems planning, as well as laboratory exercises in C programming, Java programming, and the operation of information systems used in practicing and mastering such technology. During the third year information seminar and fourth year thesis research seminar, students deepen their knowledge of software engineering, and design and implement concrete systems such as autonomous distributed systems, social systems, management systems, database systems, web applications, and distributed information systems. By doing so, students are encouraged to develop their abilities to propose, clarify, and solve issues on their own initiative, thus acquiring expertise and techniques that will be useful while working in industrial, social, public, and other sectors.
  • Department of Information Systems
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
SHINKAI, Hisaaki P General Relativity Web, Lab
YAMADA, Takaaki P Computer system Lab
IGAKI, Hiroshi P Software Engineering, Team Software Development, Programming Education Lab
FUKUYASU, Naoki P Educational technology, Software  
MIZUTANI, Yasuharu P High performance computing, Software Lab
AMEMIYA, Toru P Philosophy / Ethics  
MIYAMOTO, Toshiyuki P Software, Mathematical informatics, Control engineering/System engineering Lab
KAMAKURA, Yoshiyuki AP Life / Health / Medical informatics, Mathematical informatics, Software, Human interface and interaction Web Lab
OBANA, Masaki AP Software Engineering, Software Analysis, Web Engineering Lab
KUROKAWA, Naohiko AP Linguistics  
YOKOYAMA, Eri AP Japanese Literature  
HONDA, Kiyoshi ATP Software Engineering, Software Reliability Lab
CHISAKI, Shoko ATP Foundations of mathematics / Applied mathematics Lab
 P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Media Science

Shaping practical media design education for creating innovative multimedia data applications

Focusing on the three core areas of media interaction design, web media design, and media systems design, the Department of Media Science aims to deepen our understanding of how people experience and use multimedia. Using hands-on methods, students learn how to build and use information systems that process graphics, images, sounds, and other multimedia data.
  • Department of Media Science
  • Department of Media Science

Creating new media to make our lifestyles more affluent and convenient

Department of Media Science
As students learn about information science, they produce stress-free systems and easy-to-use designs based on human-oriented approaches. The department also acts in cooperation with local communities by, for example, launching a communication site through collaboration with local government.

Virtual Reality Laboratory: Studying multimedia with state-of-the-art equipment & facilities

Our Digital Archive Center and Virtual Reality Laboratory which feature state-of-the-art equipment and facilities are among the best in Japan. By tapping into the latest technology, we enable students to pursue a number of unique multimedia programs.
Through these learning opportunities, we aim to develop a new generation of engineers in various media fields, such as multimedia information appliances and video distribution services, and engineers and designers in cultural media fields such as broadcasting, publishing, and information services.
  • Department of Media Science
  • Department of Media Science
(LAST NAME, First Name)
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Title Research Field Related Info.
KODA, Tomoko P Human interface and interaction Web Lab
HIRAYAMA, Makoto P   Lab
SUZUKI, Motoyuki P Intelligent informatics Lab
HASHIMOTO, Wataru P Human Interface, Interaction Lab
KAWAKITA, Masahiro P   Lab
TAIRA, Hirotoshi P Intelligent informatics Lab
SANO, Mutsuo P Pattern Recognition, Image Understanding, Virtual Reality, HCI(Human Computer Interaction) Lab
TAOKA, Ikue P Linguistics  
MIYAWAKI Kenzaburo AP   Lab
KAWAI, Norihiko AP Perceptual information processing, Human interface and interaction Lab
MURAKI, Yuta AP Perceptual information processing, Computer Graphics Lab
FUKUSHIMA, Taku AP Human interface and interaction Lab
MELLOR, Andrew AP English Education  
FURUHI, Naoki AP Foreign language education  
OI, Sho ATP Educational technology, Intelligent robotics, Cognitive science, Learning support system, Rehabilitation science/Welfare engineering Web Lab
NAKANISHI, Atsushi ATP Foreign language education  
 P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
※ = Department Chair

Department of Network Design

Department of Network Design
To help achieve a future smart society, the Department of Network Design provides students with opportunities to study and learn the technologies for designing, creating, and operating strict security systems, communication application software, and reliable information networks that enable people to share secure information anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
Students in this department study the basics of information technology, such as computer architecture, operating systems, databases, and software engineering, and then hone their ability to develop programs on their own, using C, Java, Python and other programming languages. To meet the growing need for wide-ranging technologies that are applied in a vast number of useful tools, from communication devices to network applications, and to develop security technologies that will protect information systems from various threats, this curriculum covers a wide spectrum of specialty subjects, including communication theory, network design, information security, mobile access networks and various types of applications on smart devices. Students are also expected to cultivate practical skills through laboratory exercises.
No information system can exist without security technologies and information networks. Internet has globally connected among humans and things in many societies in the real world. To achieve their further evolution in the cyber-physical space, the roles that security and information network engineers are expected to play are more and more increasing in number and complexity. Department of Network Design fosters engineers who are capable of going beyond the demands of the times.
(LAST NAME, First Name)
* Click Name for Details
Title Research Field Related Info.
TSUKAMOTO, Katsutoshi P Communication/Network engineering, Information network Lab
FUKUZAWA, Yasuko P Information security Lab
SAKAZAWA, Shigeyuki P Information network Lab
NISHIGUCHI, Satoshi P Perceptual information processing, Human interface and interaction, Intelligent informatics Lab
YOKOKAWA, Miwa P Geology Lab
YANO, Kojiro P Education Technology, Life Science, health care and medical informatics Lab
INOUE, Yumiko P Sports science, Rehabilitation science/Welfare engineering Lab
YAMAUCHI, Yukiji P Information network Lab
SHIMANO, Akitsugu AP Information network Lab
KASHIHARA, Shigeru AP Social systems engineering/Safety system, Communication/Network engineering, Information network Lab
KOJIMA, Hideharu AP Communication / Network engineering, Information network  
SUGIKAWA, Satoshi ATP Production engineering/Processing studies, Control engineering/System engineering Lab
KUME, Daisuke ATP Exercise physiology, Applied physiology Lab
 P = Professor
AP = Associate Professor
ATP = Assistant Professor
★ = Dean of Faculty
※ = Department Chair