OIT 2023-2024

+51 Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Design2 Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering3 Applied Chemistry, Environmental and Biomedical EngineeringEducation in manufacturing that cultivatesspecialized knowledge and skillsThorough pragmatic education■Focus on experiments as well as practical exercises ■Comprehensive range of research facilities that  support constructive education■Environmentally responsible technical education■Continuous four-year curriculumThe Graduate School of Engineering offers these three courses:In the Graduate School of Engineering, fundamental scientific and specialized technological knowledge, and the basics cultivated during the undergraduate courses are deepened and further developed. Through participation in cutting-edge projects at five active research centers in addition to joint research projects with companies and public research organizations, graduate students study and learn current trends and topics of our society. Students are expected to become thoroughly familiar with the latest technological knowledge to acquire the skills to understand and solve challenging problems utilizing their creativity. One of our goals is to produce work-ready graduates who can assume vital roles in technological research and development for the society in the future.1 Nanomaterials and Microdevices Research Center2 Structural Research Center3 Robotics & Design Center4 Center for Monodzukuri Management5 Monodzukuri Center (MONOLAB)The Graduate School and these research centers jointly cooperate with industrial companies on advanced research topics.Meticulous education that nurturesthe abilities of each studentMastery of basic abilities that work as a foundation for future professional activitiesEducation in environmental issues thatcultivates engineers' conscienceSpecialized knowledge and skillsEducation Principles in the Faculty of EngineeringGraduate School of EngineeringResearch CentersThe Graduate School of Engineering works in close cooperation with five research centers in OIT:

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