OIT 2024-2025

Research Centers14High voltage electron microscopeStereo imagingTomography imagesExtraction of structural details200-inch large-screen 8K videoInteractive projection mapping10,000kN Vertical loading equipmentLoading test of prestressed concrete beamImage analysis softwareHirakata CampusYawata Engineering LaboratoryHirakata CampusThe virtual reality (VR) labs has 8K super high-vision projector to display highly realistic 200-inch large-screen video. Moreover, a multi-channel audio system and a motion base system, 8K camera, and real-time CG rendering PC can create immersive virtual image contents. A high-performance 3D printer is introduced to produce real object of computer designed 3D model. In VR labs, state-of-the-art equipment is utilized for several researches, such as new VR and CG technologies, 3D imaging, and interactive projection mapping.Several kinds of three-dimensional image analysis software have been developed using image processing technology and computer graphics at the Visualization Software Developing Center. We can now reconstruct the intricate three dimensional structures of organisms using 3D visualization, to extract segmentation of structures and their internal substructures. In most cases, the structures of these microorganisms are very difficult to visualize when high voltage electron-microscope imaging is used to produce the tomography slice images, so we have developed software to do so at this center.The Structural Research Center (SRC) was founded in 1986 in the Yawata Engineering Laboratory located in Yawata, Kyoto, near the Hirakata Campus.It was established to promote the education of undergraduate and graduate course students at OIT, and to broaden the research capabilities of the SRC staff.Also, through its research in structural engineering, the SRC plays an active role in improving infrastructure, such as buildings and bridges. The SRC is involved in many research projects commissioned by public institutions and private enterprises, and carries out joint research programs with other universities mainly in Kansai area.Virtual Reality LaboratoryVisualization Software Developing CenterStructural Research Center

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