OIT 2024-2025

▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼22 Academic year / Semester The academic year runs from April 1 of each year until March 31 of the following year. The first semester is from April 1 to September 30, and the second semester is from October 1 to March 31.Faculty for Admission :1) Faculty of Engineering2) Faculty of Robotics and Design3) Faculty of Information Science and Technology4) Faculty of Intellectual PropertyStandard Course Duration : 4 yearsEntry Requirements:Applicants should have the language aptitude to understand classes taught in Japanese. They should be non-Japanese nationals. They should have or expect to have completed 12 years of school education in a country outside Japan before the end of March 2025.Graduate School for Admission :1) Graduate School of Engineering (Master's and Doctoral courses)2) Graduate School of Robotics and Design (Master's and Doctoral courses)3) Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (Master's course)4) Graduate School of Intellectual Property (Professional graduate course)Standard Course Duration :Master's courses and Professional graduate course - 2 years, Doctoral courses - 3 yearsEntry Requirements :Master's courses and Professional graduate course:Applicants must be non-Japanese nationals with Japanese proficiency, and have completed or expect to complete 16 years of school education in a country outside Japan before the end of March 2025. (the end of August for applicants starting in september 2025)Applicants must be non-Japanese nationals with Japanese proficiency, and have obtained or expect to obtain a master’s degree or equivalent in a country outside Japan before the end of March 2025.Doctoral courses :The application procedure must be completed by all candidates including those who are not seeking to study for degrees, who wish either to be research students in specified specialist areas in the undergraduate faculty or graduate school or to be registered on specific courses in the undergraduate faculty or on master’s courses. They must be accepted by OIT through the admissions process and complete the required admission procedures. Academic year / Semester The academic year runs from October 1 of each year until September 30 of the following year. The first semester is from October 1 to March 31, and the second semester is from April 1 to September 30. For more information, contact us: OIT Admissions Office: OIT.Nyushi@josho.ac.jp The OIT International Student Prospectus (in Japanese) is available on request.Undergraduate(Full-time Student)Graduate School(Full-time Student)Research Student Course Student(6 mo. or 1 yr.)Submission of applications for graduate* Candidates, except for applicants who wish to enter the Graduate School of Intellectual Property, must contact their prospective supervisor in the relevant department first.Submission of applicants for undergraduate* No prior consultation with a professor needed.Entrance examination for graduateResults notification for graduateEnrollment fee payment for graduateEntrance examination for undergraduateResults notification for undergraduateEnrollment fee payment for undergraduateTuition fee (half the annual total fee) payment for undergraduateTuition fee (half the annual total fee) payment for graduateStart of semesterSeptember 24-October 1, 2024October 4-11, 2024October 26, 2024November 11, 2024November 11-22, 2024November 17, 2024December 2, 2024December 2-13, 2024December 2, 2024 - January 7, 2025February 27 - March 24, 2025April 1, 2025July 6, 2024July 18, 2024July 18-29, 2024Enrollment fee and Tuition feeSeptember 19, 2024Entrance examinationResults notification(half the annual total fee) paymentStart of semesterEnrollment Requirements (Academic Year 2025)Schedule for Starting in Spring 2025(For All Full-time Students)Schedule for Starting in Fall 2024(For Full-time Students of Graduate School of Intellectual Property)* The schedule for AY2025 is not announced yet.June 17-24, 2024Submission of applicationsAdmissions for Degree-Seeking International Students

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