Laboratories in Department of Robotics
- Network & Communication Robot Lab - Prof. Yuki INOUE
- Medical Robotics Lab - Prof. Toshikazu KAWAI
- Robotics Simulation Lab - Prof. Hiroyuki KURAMAE
- Industrial Robot Lab - Prof. Akio NODA
- Life Support Robot System Lab - Prof. Yutaka HIROI
- Flexible Robotics Lab - Prof. Hironari TANIGUCHI
- Assistive Device Lab - Prof. Masahiro YOSHIKAWA
- Smart Material Actuator Lab - Associate Prof. Changan JIANG
Network & Communication Robot Lab
Prof. Yuki INOUE

The real world robot challenge (RWRC) is a technology competition for autonomous robots wherein various research institutions and universities compete with the goal of developing the robots that “function safely and reliably” in the outdoor environments. Even in the crowded street, the robots estimate their present position by using the Laser Range Finder, GPS and a distance measuring device. These high reliable devices based on localization technologies will be incorporated into the near future service robots. Our laboratory is engaged in the realization of human support robots utilizing sensing technologies.
Main Research Topics
- Development of Field Robots
- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Field Robots
- Sensing and Navigation for Rescue Robots
Medical Robotics Lab
Prof. Toshikazu KAWAI

Laparoscopic surgery, which produces small scars, has become widespread because it has a cosmetic benefit. When performing surgery through small laparoscopic incisions, a surgeon must manipulate tools precisely to cooperate with assistants using an endoscope or forceps. Our laboratory proposes a new locally operated detachable end-effector manipulator (LODEM) that can act as a third arm for the surgeon in a sterile environment of an operating room. By integrating locally operated small surgical robots in the sterilized area, the surgeon working near a patient can perform a safe and accurate robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery.
Main Research Topics
- Mechanism of surgical assistant manipulator
- Locally operated intuitive interface
- Image recognition for surgical scene
Robotics Simulation Lab
Prof. Hiroyuki KURAMAE

The laboratory is also engaged in finding the numerical solution of various engineering problems using computer simulation based on the finite element method. In particular, work is going on to solve the “coupling problem,” where various phenomena concerning structural deformation, thermal, fluid, and magnetic fields occur concurrently. Such multiscale and coupled analyses call for large expenses in computational resources, and large-scale analysis has been performed by focusing on parallel processing using PC clusters.
Main Research Topics
- Multiscale analysis for material properties and micro-crystal morphology design
- Multiscale and multiphysics analysis of real phenomena
- Parallel and distributed computing for large-scale numerical analysis
Industrial Robot Lab
Prof. Akio NODA

In order to realize the automation which expands the time which everyone can spend for the purpose of their life in this difficult age, mass-production robot with investment effect is thought to be a key technology for realizing the ideal world.
Therefore, we are working on R&D in following steps while closely contacting problems of the industrial field. Base on KOKOROZASHI (A high-level motive apart from self-interest), deep consideration that what and how should it be, in the first place and after all. Returning to the principles. Discovery of the real challenge. Formulation of the difficulty of the task. Derivation of the solution method. Quantification of results. For example, "Thinking Algorithm" and "System Design" are specific solution artifacts.
We create and run ideas that are not yet in the world by producing the actual prototypes and then using them to make sure that ideas work as intended (System Integration), try to explain why they work for products obtained by chance (Mechanism Analysis).
To this end, we emphasize scientific attitudes toward unsolved academic problems and actual implementation simultaneously.
Main Research Topics
- Novel Benchmarks and Metrics to Innovate Robot System Design
- System Integration Theory
- Classic Challenge on Robotics(bin picking, flexible material handling, etc.)
Life Support Robot System Lab
Prof. Yutaka HIROI

Robots supporting daily living are not accepted by the general public just because they have superior functionality. For the benefit of the user, the development of user-friendly robots that do not cause fear is necessary. Accordingly, our laboratory is engaged in research on the improvement of “affinity” in robots. Utilizing the outcome of such research, the development of robots to assist in daily living is being undertaken. Support for “manufacturing education” using robots is also being pursued.
Main Research Topics
- Development of daily-life-support mobile robots
- Improvement of “User familiarity” using a robot avatar for the daily-life-support mobile robot
- Practice of "Education for design and manufacturing"
Flexible Robotics Lab
Prof. Hironari TANIGUCHI

The actuator needed in operating a robot is a device that converts energy into mechanical movements. The devices also called the driving source. In our laboratory, various actuators, such as a shape-memory alloy actuator, a pneumatic soft actuator, and a soft rubber actuator based on combination of magnetic fluids and rubber are being developed. Using these actuators, research is also being undertaken on developing pediatric power prosthetic hands, a hand and foot joint rehabilitation equipment, and jellyfish-type soft robots as medical/welfare/long-term care robotic devices.
Main Research Topics
- Compact jumping lunar explorer robot using coiled shape memory alloy actuators
- Telepresence robotic avatar using pneumatic soft actuators
- Biomedical applications of soft robotics
Assistive Device Lab
Prof. Masahiro YOSHIKAWA

Our laboratory conducts research on assistive technologies that support the living of the people with disabilities based on robotics, information science, and digital fabrication (3DCAD, 3D printer, and 3D scanner). We are focusing especially on developing prosthetic hands that are highly functional and look very similar to real hands.
Main Research Topics
- Prosthetic arm with three opposing fingers controlled by a muscle bulge
- Realistic electric prosthetic hand fabricated with a 3D printer
- Assistive device using digital fabrication
Smart Material Actuator Lab
Associate Prof. Changan JIANG

With the development of materials science, smart material actuators which can be driven by external stimuli, such as stress, temperature etc. have received tremendous interests for their potential applications in the field of robotics. In this laboratory, research focus on development of new style actuators based on various smart materials (Piezo, SMA, DE etc.) for biomimetic robot, soft robot or some tactile devices. For guaranteeing the performance of developed smart material actuators, control methods on compensating nonlinear effect from smart materials are being considered.
Main Research Topics
- Development of smart material based actuators
- Research and development of tactile device
- Posture maintenance control by nonprehensile two-cooperative-arm robot